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Celebrating National Assistant Principals Week
March 28, 2024 – Columbus City Schools is proud to have an incredible leadership team that works behind the scenes to provide a strong educational environment for all students and staff. Schools cannot succeed without collaboration, and no role is more emblematic of this than that of a school’s assistant principal.
Assistant principals are more than just additional building leaders. They work with the principal to cultivate a positive school culture and are involved every step of the way in a student’s success. Assistant principals are someone a student or staff member can go to for guidance and support.
No one understands better the importance of an assistant principal than the school principal they work alongside. Several principals spoke about their assistant principal's important role in their respective buildings.
Region 1: Courtney Wilson, Georgian Heights Elementary School
Courtney Wilson is the assistant principal at Georgian Heights Elementary School. Principal Nakita Smoot said that Wilson’s role is more aptly described as a co-principal. Wilson knows the names of each Georgian student and makes an effort to have a strong connection with each of them. Since starting at Georgian Heights nearly five years ago, Smoot said Wilson has grown tremendously in her leadership skills. She’s become someone whom Smoot knows she can rely on to assist with any task.
Region II: Cheniqau Drennan, Olde Orchard Elementary School
Cheniqau Drennan is the assistant principal at Olde Orchard Elementary School. As such, Drennen radiates positivity and inspires students and staff. Principal Rachel Palmer said she helps create an environment where everyone feels valued and supported. Ms. Drennen's dedication to Olde Orchard makes her an invaluable asset to the school community and a valued confidant for students and staff.
Region III: Adrian Moore, Champion Middle School
Adrian Moore is the assistant principal at Champion Middle School. This is his first year at Champion, and Principal Dr. Thomas said he’s already become a mentor for many students. He advocates for educating the whole child and is someone the students can look up to as a positive role model. Additionally, Moore works to grow Champion’s community partnership network and maintain strong relationships with neighborhood organizations. Dr. Thomas knows Moore will support Champion students with whatever they need to succeed.
Region IV: Daniel McElroy, Whetstone High School
Daniel McElroy is the assistant principal at Whetstone High School. Principal Janet Routzong said he is a one-of-a-kind leader and an advocate for all students. McElroy is driven by his students' success and is always willing to go above and beyond for students, staff, and colleagues. He has a quiet demeanor but is quick to jump into fierce action mode when needed. Mr. McElroy is a valued assistant principal in the district, and the Whetstone staff is grateful he is on their team.
Region V: Dr. Rhoda Arrington, Woodward Park Middle School
Dr. Rhoda Arrington is the assistant principal at Woodward Park Middle School. Principal Paul Bailey said she focuses on student growth, achievement, and voice. Dr. Arrington holds high expectations for staff and students and accepts nothing less than their best. She also monitors student progress and helps teachers and students reach their full potential.
Region VI: Joshua Battistone, Arts Impact Middle School
Joshua Battistone is the assistant principal at Arts Impact Middle School. He is new to the building but is already making an impact. Principal Erica Dodson said Battistone has become part of the AIMS family. One of his priorities is relationship building. Dodson said that since starting at AIMS, Battistone has established strong relationships with the students, families, and staff. Dodson said she can count on him to be her partner in leadership.
Thank you to all of our District’s assistant principals. Your work to support the District’s students and staff is appreciated.