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Board Meeting Preview: December 20, 2022
Columbus City Schools
Board of Education Meeting
Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at 5:30 p.m.
Viewing the Board Meeting
The Columbus Board of Education regular business meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. at the Southland Center (3700 S. High St.).
Meeting attendees will need to enter the north-facing door toward the west end of the building.
The meeting will be streamed via Facebook Live and the Columbus City Schools' BOE YouTube Channel. For more information on meeting dates and times, click here. Also, visit the Columbus City Schools BOE YouTube Channel to view past Board meetings.
Meeting Agenda Topics
The meeting agenda topics include:
13.1 - Supporting Strong Learning Communities in every Region, the Board will be asked to authorize the use of ESSER funds to enter into a service agreement with Curriculum Associates, Inc. This will provide coaching and support for principals and teachers, as they utilize data to identify priority needs and action steps to ensure students are accelerating and recovering their unfinished learning gaps due to the pandemic.
13.5 - Supporting a Whole-Child Focus and Board Goal One: Strengthen Reading Proficiency, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to enter into an agreement with American Program Bureau Inc. This will provide books and author visits to schools, increasing students’ access to print and literacy experiences.
15.1 - Supporting Authentic Engagement and Equitable Opportunities for All, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to enter into a purchase agreement with Yext Inc. The Yext search platform, found on the District website, allows for a more comprehensive user experience to ensure the CCS community can efficiently find what it needs.
19.2 - Supporting Strong Learning Communities and Equitable Opportunities for All, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to enter into an agreement with Education Resource Strategies, Inc. (ERS) to purchase Financial Equity Analysis and Resourcing Model Design services. ERS will work with the District to transform how resources are used to create strategic systems that enable every school to prepare every child for tomorrow, no matter their race or income.
For additional background information, and to view the full meeting agenda, click here.
Making a Public Comment
Any public participant wishing to make comments has the option of addressing the Board in person or by telephone. To sign up, public participants must call to leave a voicemail with Customer Relations at 614-365-8888 or email customerrelations@columbus.k12.oh.us by 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 20. Speakers will need to provide their name, topic, and phone number.
Upcoming Meetings
January 3, 2023 - 2023 Organizational Meeting, 5:00 p.m.
January 3, 2023 - Regular Board Business Meeting, 5:30 p.m.
January 17, 2023 - Regular Board Business Meeting, 5:30 p.m.