Dedicated to Excellence in Education
Please make sure when you visit Valleyview that you enter through the FRONT DOOR (our NEW MAIN ENTRANCE) and have your identification ready. In order to keep our students and staff safe, everyone entering the building must stop at the office
November 1 marks the beginning of National Family Literacy Month, a time dedicated to fostering a love for reading and learning within families.
For our Staff Wellness Initiative's first Wellness Wednesdays video for this school year, hear from Mifflin High School alumna, Tei Street.
An update regarding transportation from Columbus City Schools.
Columbus City Schools continues its efforts to address chronic absenteeism by opening a new "Stay in the Game!" room at Northtowne Elementary School, in partnership with the Columbus Crew.
This summer, Columbus City Schools identified students that we have been transporting to charter and nonpublic schools over the years beyond the requirements of the law.
Columbus City Schools kicked off Pathway Express with an exciting start at the National Veterans Memorial and Museum, where families gathered to celebrate early literacy.
Phone: (614) 365-6312
Attendance Email:
School Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Valleyview Elementary School
2989 Valleyview Drive
Columbus, OH 43204