- CCS News
- Board of Education
Board Meeting Preview - August 15, 2023
Columbus City Schools
Board of Education Meeting
Tuesday, August 15, at 6:00 p.m., Southland Center (3700 S. High St.)
Viewing the Board Meeting
The Columbus Board of Education’s regular business meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at Southland Center (3700 South High Street).
Meeting attendees will need to enter the north-facing door toward the west end of the building.
The Board meeting will be streamed via Facebook Live and the Columbus City Schools' BOE YouTube Channel. For more information on meeting dates and times, click here. Also, visit the Columbus City Schools BOE YouTube Channel to view past Board meetings.
The Columbus Board of Education will hold regular office hours before all regular business meetings from 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. The office hours will allow community members to meet with Board members one-on-one, to ask questions, and share their thoughts and concerns.
Meeting Agenda Topics
The meeting agenda topics include:
13.10 - Supporting Whole-Child Focused, the Board will be asked to authorize the District to enter into an agreement with News2You (N2Y)/Unique Learning Systems (ULS) to support students with disabilities in all curriculum areas. N2Y/ULS is an online student-facing special education platform. The ULS program is designed to give students with complex learning needs meaningful access to the general education curriculum. From one convenient cloud-based platform, education delivers differentiated standards-aligned content enhanced by powerful assessments, data tools, and evidence-based instructional support.
13.14 - Supporting Strong Learning Communities in Every Region, the Board will be asked to authorize the District to enter into a service agreement with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) Publishing Company. This will provide job-embedded personalized one-on-one coaching to 100% of Elementary ELA Teachers across our 76 Elementary schools. Teachers will receive 2-4 personalized coaching sessions that will explicitly support the implementation of the HMH Into Reading Resources and Evidence based pedagogy.
13.18 - Supporting Whole-Child Focused and Equitable opportunities for all, the Board will be asked to authorize the District to enter into an agreement with Enome, Inc. (Goalbook) to purchase the Goalbook Toolkit. The toolkit is an online solution that improves student outcomes by increasing teacher effectiveness throughout the special education process. It builds teacher capacity to develop higher-quality Individualized Education Plans (IEP's) and implement them with more effective specially designed instruction. Goalbook Toolkit guides teachers to confidently identify students’ present levels of performance that are data driven.
16.4 - Supporting Equitable Opportunities for All, the Board will be asked to authorize the District to renew Tyler Technologies Versatrans routing software maintenance and support agreement from Tyler Technologies, Inc. The Office of Transportation routes over 40,000 students annually. A modern routing system enables the department to route students effectively and efficiently. This routing software integrates with the District's Zonar GPS system, which provides real-time routes.
For additional background information and to view the full meeting agenda, click here.
Board Meeting - Public Comment Registration
Any public participant wishing to make comments has the option of addressing the Board in person or by telephone. To sign up, public participants must call to leave a voicemail with Customer Relations at 614-365-8888 or email customerrelations@columbus.k12.oh.us by 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 15. Speakers will need to provide their name, topic, and phone number.
Upcoming Meetings
August 24 - Neighborhood School Development Partnership Committee (NSDP) Meeting (3700 S. High St., Room 825), 8:00 a.m.
September 5 - Columbus Board of Education Meeting (3700 S. High St., Room 825), 6:00 p.m.
September 7 - Audit and Accountability Committee Meeting (3700 S. High St., Room 825), 3:30 p.m.
September 13 - Governance, Policy, and Advocacy Committee Meeting (3700 S. High St., Room TBD), 9:00 a.m.
September 13 - Finance and Appropriations Committee Meeting (3700 S. High St., Room 825), 4:00 p.m.
September 19 - Columbus Board of Education Meeting (Centennial High School, 1441 Bethel Rd.), 6:00 p.m.
September 28 - Neighborhood School Development Partnership Committee (3700 S. High St., Room 825), 8:00 a.m.