- CCS News
- Board of Education
Board Meeting Preview - September 19, 2023
Columbus City Schools
Board of Education Meeting
Tuesday, September 19, at 6:00 p.m., Centennial High School (1441 Bethel Rd.)
Viewing the Board Meeting
The Columbus Board of Education’s regular business meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at Centennial High School (1441 Bethel Road).
Meeting attendees will need to enter the north-facing door toward the west end of the building.
The Board meeting will be streamed via Facebook Live and the Columbus City Schools' BOE YouTube Channel. For more information on meeting dates and times, click here. Also, visit the Columbus City Schools BOE YouTube Channel to view past Board meetings.
The Columbus Board of Education will hold regular office hours before all regular business meetings from 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. The office hours will allow community members to meet with Board members one-on-one, to ask questions, and share their thoughts and concerns.
Meeting Agenda Topics
The meeting agenda topics include:
13.1 - Supporting Whole-Child Focused and Equitable opportunities for all, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to enter into an agreement with Curriculum Associates. This vendor coaching is the extension of a pilot that started two years ago, and was expanded in all regions last year. It will provide job-embedded personalized one-on-one coaching to 100% of the Elementary Math Teachers across all 76 CCS Elementary Schools.
16.1 - Supporting Authentic Engagement, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to purchase school bus parts & supplies from Genuine Parts Company - NAPA Auto Parts. Fleet Services is responsible for maintaining the district's fleet of vehicles and equipment.
16.3 - Supporting Authentic Engagement, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to purchase two vehicle scissor lifts from Stertil-Koni USA. The bus lifts will replace the aging lifts at Morse Road Bus Compound.
For additional background information and to view the full meeting agenda, click here.
Board Meeting - Public Comment Registration
Any public participant wishing to make comments has the option of addressing the Board in person or by telephone. To sign up, public participants must call to leave a voicemail with Customer Relations at 614-365-8888 or email customerrelations@columbus.k12.oh.us by 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 19. Speakers will need to provide their name, topic, and phone number.
Upcoming Meetings
September 28 - Neighborhood School Development Partnership Committee (3700 S. High St., Room 825), 8:00 a.m.
October 3 - Columbus Board of Education Meeting (3700 S. High Street, Suite 825), 6:00 p.m.
October 11 - 2023 Governance, Policy, and Advocacy Committee Meeting (3700 S. High St.), 9:00 a.m.
October 11 - Finance & Appropriations Committee Meeting (3700 S. High St.), 5:00 pm.
October 17 - Columbus Board of Education Meeting (Independence High School, 5175 Refugee Rd.), 6:00 p.m.