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Board Meeting Preview —February 6, 2024

Columbus City Schools

Board of Education Meeting

Tuesday, February, at 6:00 p.m., South Administrative Building, 3700 S. High St., Room 825


Viewing the Board Meeting 

The Columbus Board of Education’s regular business meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at  South Administrative Building (3700 S. High St., room 825).

The Board meeting will be streamed via Facebook Live and the Columbus City Schools' BOE YouTube Channel. For more information on meeting dates and times, click here. Also, visit the Columbus City Schools BOE YouTube Channel to view past Board meetings. 

The Columbus Board of Education will hold regular office hours before all regular business meetings from 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. The office hours will allow community members to meet with Board members one-on-one, ask questions, and share their thoughts and concerns.

Meeting Agenda Topics

The meeting agenda topics include:

16.1 - Supporting Equitable Opportunities for All, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to purchase 75 school buses from Rush Truck Center of Ohio. This will allow the District to purchase 75 new vehicles, consistent with the bus replacement plan, that meet the highest emission standards with Cummins engines. Collision Mitigation consists of two components. Electronic Stability Control (ESC) uses wheel speed sensors to determine when the bus is about to lose control (fishtail or skid) and applies the brakes in a manner to maintain stable travel. Forward-looking radar is used in combination with the ESC to sense objects in the line of travel and apply the brakes to avoid a collision. These safety features will better protect the students we transport. 

16.3 - Supporting Equitable Opportunities for All, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to approve the general contract with Prodigy Building Solutions, LLC. The press box at Mifflin High School was destroyed by arson and will need to be completely replaced.  Emergency repairs to the grandstand structure were previously authorized under a separate contract. Due to the specialized nature of the press box design and construction, the permitting requirements, and required timeframe, it is recommended to authorize a separate contract for the replacement structure. 

18.1 - Supporting Strong Learning Communities in Every Region, Equitable Opportunities for All, and Authentic Engagement, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to approve the design-build contract with Miles-McClellan Construction Co., Inc. Funded by the Lifecycle Renewal and Permanent Improvement Levy, this initiative will target HVAC and supporting system upgrades.  This contract will target systems that are at or beyond their anticipated useful life and where reliability and comfort control need improved.  This contract will also focus on simplification of systems to reduce the maintenance burden and to improve operational efficiencies.  

For additional background information and to view the full meeting agenda, click here.

Board Meeting - Public Comment Registration

Any public participant wishing to make comments can address the Board in person or by telephone. To sign up, public participants must call to leave a voicemail with Customer Relations at 614-365-8888 or email by 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 6. Speakers will need to provide their name, topic, and phone number. 

Upcoming Meetings

February 14 - Finance and Appropriations Committee Meeting, 5:00 p.m.

February 20 - Board of Education Meeting, Linden-McKinley STEM Academy, 1320 Duxberry Ave., 5:00 p.m.

February 22 - Neighborhood School Development Partnership Committee (NSDP) Meeting, 8 a.m.

February 22 - CANCELED - Audit and Accountability Committee Meeting


Watch the Board Meetings on WCBE-TV, a 24/7 digital educational public access channel. Programming is scheduled weekly, consisting of District content, student work, and nationally available public domain information.


The EduCable channel can also be found on several local cable television carriers:

  • ATT U-Verse: Ch. 99

  • Insight: Ch. 5

  • Time Warner: Ch. 25

  • WOW! Ch. 20


*The schedule and channel lineup are subject to change. Please check with your local cable provider.