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Board Meeting Preview - February 20, 2024

Columbus City Schools

Board of Education Meeting

Tuesday, February 20, at 6:00 p.m., Linden-McKinley STEM Academy, 1320 Duxberry Ave.

Viewing the Board Meeting 

The Columbus Board of Education’s regular business meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at  Linden-McKinley STEM Academy (1320 Duxberry Ave).

The Board meeting will be streamed via Facebook Live and the Columbus City Schools' BOE YouTube Channel. For more information on meeting dates and times, click here. Also, visit the Columbus City Schools BOE YouTube Channel to view past Board meetings. 

The Columbus Board of Education will hold regular office hours before all regular business meetings from 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. The office hours will allow community members to meet with Board members one-on-one, ask questions, and share their thoughts and concerns.

Meeting Agenda Topics

The meeting agenda topics include:

12.3 - Supporting Equitable Opportunities for All, Strong Learning Communities in Every Region, and Whole-Child Focused, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to enter into a purchase agreement with Lakeshore Inc. This is a customized supplemental resource for students in grades K-2 to have literacy practice at home over summer break. Data shows that on average, elementary school students experience a two month slide between the end of year and the beginning of year.  In order to combat this statistic, the CCS Literacy Division began customizing summer literacy kits for students completing grades K-2 in 2022.  The kits contain family-focused activities, customized by grade level, with a focus on the five components of reading, as well  writing

12.7 - Supporting Whole-Child Focused, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to enter into an agreement with Franklin Park Conservatory. The summer learning initiative with STEM education addresses the barrier of limited access to high-quality, engaging education for diverse youth. The traditional notion of "summer school/remedial" often lacks the resources, rigor, and engagement necessary to inspire a love of learning, especially in STEM-related fields. By incorporating STEM education and project-based learning, this initiative seeks to break down these barriers and provide young people with the tools, knowledge, and hands-on experiences they need to build their skills and interest in these fields. By doing so, this initiative aims to promote equitable access to quality education and opportunities for all students, regardless of their backgrounds or socioeconomic status. 

14.1 - Supporting Equitable Opportunities for All, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to enter into a purchase service agreement with Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) for Transportation Consulting Services. OSBA will conduct an operations review of the District's transportation program to include providing recommendations for improvement and in-person consulting services.

18.2 - Supporting Equitable Opportunities for All, and Strong Learning Communities in Every Region, the Board will be asked to authorize the administration to purchase furnishings and services from ODP Business Solutions, LLC. The Healthy Campus Campaign is an initiative adopted by the Columbus City Schools’ (CCS) Staff Wellness Initiative and supported by the Board of Education. An overarching goal of the CCS Staff Wellness Initiative is to make offerings equitable by using a policy, systems, and environment approach to drive staff to make the best decisions for their health. The Healthy Campus Campaign was created to address the mechanisms through which specific elements of the environment are engineered in order to help make the healthy choice the easy choice. This approach is sustainable because changing the environment to support health, lasts over time. 

For additional background information and to view the full meeting agenda, click here.

Board Meeting - Public Comment Registration

Any public participant wishing to make comments can address the Board in person or by telephone. To sign up, public participants must call to leave a voicemail with Customer Relations at 614-365-8888 or email by 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 20. Speakers will need to provide their name, topic, and phone number. 

Upcoming Meetings

February 22 - Neighborhood School Development Partnership Committee (NSDP) Meeting, 3700 S. High Street, Ste 825, 8:00 a.m.

March 5 - Board of Education Meeting, South Administrative Building, 3700 S. High Street, Ste 825, 6:00 p.m.

March 19 - Board of Education Meeting, Columbus International/Global, 4077 Karl Rd., 6:00 p.m.

March 28 - Neighborhood School Development Partnership Committee (NSDP) Meeting, 3700 S. High Street, Ste 825, 8:00 a.m.

March 28 - Audit and Accountability Committee Meeting, 3700 S. High Street, Ste 825, 3:30 p.m.

Watch the Board Meetings on WCBE-TV, a 24/7 digital educational public access channel. Programming is scheduled weekly, consisting of District content, student work, and nationally available public domain information.

The EduCable channel can also be found on several local cable television carriers:

  • ATT U-Verse: Ch. 99

  • Insight: Ch. 5

  • Time Warner: Ch. 25

  • WOW! Ch. 20

*The schedule and channel lineup are subject to change. Please check with your local cable provider.