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13th Annual CCS District Poetry Slam
13th Annual CCS District Poetry Slam
Saturday, April 27th, 5-9pm, Eastmoor Academy
The Middle School Slam happens first followed by the High School Group Poem optional round. Then there is an intermission followed by the High School Slam.
- Competing Middle Schools: Columbus Africentric Middle School, Columbus Gifted Academy, Dominion Middle School, Ridgeview Middle School
- Competing High Schools: Centennial High School, Columbus Africentric Early College High School, Columbus Alternative High School, Columbus Online Academy 9-12, Eastmoor Academy, Northland High School, and West High School
Tickets are $5 and can be purchased using this link or at the door.
Middle School Poetry Slam Rules
1. Each middle school may bring a total of eight (8) poets.
2. Each middle school will have four slots or times to perform (four individual and/or group poems total).
3. The same rules apply as in the high school slam:
- No props, costumes, instruments, or music.
- There is a three minute time limit with a ten second grace period.
4. No poet may perform in more than two poems (for instance, a poet may perform one individual poem and one group poem, or in two group poems.
5. Group poems may not have more than six (6) poets on stage at once.
6. Poets may bring their typed poem up on stage (there will be a music stand).
7. Poems must be school appropriate.
High School Poetry Slam Rules
1. Each high school may bring a total of six (6) poets.
2. Each high school will have four individual slots or times to perform (four poems total—one per poet).
3. The same rules apply as in the middle school slam:
- No props, costumes, instruments, or music.
- There is a three minute time limit with a ten second grace period.
4. Poets may bring their typed poem up on stage (there will be a music stand).
5. Poems must be school appropriate.
Optional High School Group Poetry Rules
There will be an optional group poem competition for the high school slam. Group poems follow the same rules as above, but schools may only have up to six poets on stage. The high school group poems will be performed prior to intermission.
There are five judges who will score the poems on a scale of 0-10 (out to one decimal point). The scores are not shown to the audience (which is different than a traditional slam).
Trophies and Medals
“Sandy Cox” Memorial Trophy-Winning High School Team
CCS Middle School Trophy-Winning Middle School Team
Medals-Top Three Middle and High School Teams
Medals-Top Three Middle and High School Poets
Medals-Top High School Group Poem
Questions? Please reach out to CCS Slam Coordinator Wyk McGowan at wmcgowan8259@columbus.k12.oh.us.