• Dear Parents and Families,
    Starting January 23, 2025, in order for students to participate in senior events, students must meet the following requirements:
    1. MUST HAVE On TRACK STATUS at Beginning of Q3 
    1. Earned 17.5 credits AND 3.5 credits in English & Math 
    1. Have at least 1 seal Submitted or Earned 
    1. Have 90 Internship Hours DOCUMENTED w/ Mrs. D
    We encourage all families to review these requirements with their student(s) and ensure that they are on track to meet them. If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of our seniors as they approach this exciting milestone!

    Kendall D. Lawrence

    School Counselor

    Briggs High School

    Cohort 2025


    Click Here - Briggs HS Cohort 2025 Senior Year Events Calendar

    Check back regularly!  If any changes are made to the senior calendar, this link will reflect those changes.

    Click Here - To View Senior Parent Slide Presentation

    Important information about graduation, academic requirements, cap and gown, fees, college application & financial aid, internship hours, EXCLUSIVE senior events, & more!