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Columbus City School Students Recognized by Board of Commissioners for Academic and Artistic Success


March 15, 2023 -- Five Columbus City Schools students are receiving awards for their academic and artistic success from the Franklin County 2023 Artists and Scholars Recognition Program. 

Seniors Ackiem Parnell, Chyann Reeves, Isabelle Gosser, Skyler Davila, and Junior Carter Robinson were all nominated by their schools for their accomplishments in arts and academics. In addition, the Franklin County 2023 Artists and Scholars Recognition Program selected two dozen students from different school districts to be recognized by the county’s Commissioners. 

Commissioners John O’Grady, Kevin Boyce, and Erica C. Crawley honored the students at a morning ceremony on Tuesday, March 14. Each student received a certificate for their persistence in academic and artistic success. 

ArtworkJunior Carter Robinson of Fort Hayes Career Center has invested years in his success in theater and drama. He has had several leading roles in school productions and is a stand-out public speaker and leader in his school. Carter plans to pursue his interests in Fashion Design and Construction.

Senior Ackiem Parnell of Linden McKinley High School began his high school career persistently asking to join the band. He is now the Trombone section leader and has helped propel the school’s marching band to new heights. He is also a student ambassador, a member of the bowling team, and an accomplished scholar. Parnell received a full ride scholarship to the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff where he plans to major in Computer Science. 

Senior Chyann Reeves has shown talent and commitment to academic success for years. A student at Marion Franklin High School and Fort Hayes Career Center, Reeves is the Captain of the MFHS Drill Team. She also showed vocal talent and was selected to sing the National Anthem at graduation as a sophomore two years ago. In addition, Reeves has appeared in several theater performances and continues to inspire other students around her to shoot for their dreams.

Isabelle Gosser of Fort Hayes Career Center has many accomplishments at the school. Now a senior, she has earned the Adobe Certified Professional Badge for Visual Design. Gosser also received an honorable mention in the Scholastic Art and Writing competition for a portfolio titled “Flora and Femininity” and finished first in a Business Professionals of America competition. Gosser plans to continue pushing her success at a post-secondary institution for multimedia interactive design.

Senior Skyler Davila of Linden McKinley High School is a drum major and musician. Teachers describe Davila as a student with a high musical aptitude and thirst for knowledge. Davila has shown a tenacious work ethic to become an outstanding musician and school leader. He now serves as senior class president at his school and stands out as an accomplished scholar. 

Power of One

Priority 1 - Whole Child FocusedPriority 2 - Equitable Opportunities for AllPriority 3 - Strong Learning Communities in Every RegionPriority 4 - Authentic EngagementPortrait Attribute 1 - AdaptabilityPortrait Attribute 2 - CommunicationPortrait Attribute 3 - CreativityPortrait Attribute 4 - Critical ThinkingPortrait Attribute 5 - Global EmpathyPortrait Attribute 6 - Technology