- Briggs High School
- Homepage
Important Upcoming Dates - Parent Information
Dec. 2 - Dec. 20 - OST Retakes for select students:
Tues. Dec. 3 - OST Retakes - English 2 (ELA Part 1 & 2 during periods 1-4)
Thurs. Dec. 5 - OST Retakes - American History (during periods 1-4)
Thurs. Dec. 5 - OST Retakes - Government (during periods 1-4)
Thurs. Dec. 5 - OST Retakes - Biology
Tues. Dec 10 - OST Retakes - Algebra (during periods 1-4)
Weds. & Thurs. Dec. 11th - 12th - OST Retakes - Algebra 1 (during periods 1-4)
Dec. 7 Tentative Choir caroling TBD
Dec. 10 Winter Choir Matinee Concert 1pm (student event)
Dec. 10 Winter Choir Concert 6-8pm (student & parent event)
Dec. 11 National Honor Society Red Cross Blood Drive
Dec. 12 Winter Band & Orchestra Matinee Concert - 1:45pm (student event)
Dec. 12 Winter Band & Orchestra Concert - 6:30 - 8:00 pm (student & parent event)
Dec. 19 Choir Winter Outreach Tour/Senior Center Visit
Dec. 19 Fall Sports Banquet 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Dec. 20 30-Minute Early Dismissal
Dec. 23 - Jan. 3 All Schools Closed - Winter Break
Jan. 7 World Language Palooza` -(student event)
Jan. 17 End of Quarter 2
Jan. 20 All Schools Closed - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 21 Professional Development Day Students Not in Attendance
Jan. 22 Records Day Students Not in Attendance
Jan. 29 Parent Teacher Conference 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Jan. 30 Mid-Year Award Assembly 8:45 - 10am (Student and Family Event)
Feb. 3 - Mar. 28 OELPA testing for ELL students begins
Feb. 4 Parent Teacher Conference 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Feb. 5 Professional Development Day Students Not in Attendance
Feb. 13 Lunch w/ Loved One 11:00-12:00 -Discuss OST Testing Requirements. (Student and Family Event)
Feb. 17 All Schools Closed
Attendance Student Sign In and Sign Out /Updates & Reminders:
- Per Columbus City School policy, parents are only allowed 9 parent authorized attendance excuses.
- Arrival - Student drop off REAR OF BUILDING as early as 7am (breakfast 7:00 am - 7:25)
- Dismissal - Pickup student REAR OF BUILDING 2:30pm
- Parents must come to the front of the building to sign a student out. Students will be called from their classroom when you arrive.
- Students that sign in after 10:00am must sign in with a parent/guardian.
- Need parent portal support? Please call CCS Factline at 614-221-3228 or email parentportalaccess@columbus.k12.oh.us
- (in the email upload a picture of your photo ID, your name, your student's name and student's D.O.B)
- For Spanish Press #1
- For Somali Press #2
- For Nepali Press #3
- For Arabic Press #4
- For French Press #5
- For Swahili Press #6
- For Kinyarwanda Press #7
- For English Press #8