Dedicated to Excellence in Education
Personalized learning software adapts automatically to give each student a unique learning experience tailored to his or her own skill level and pace, making it ideal for all of your early learners.
Two core curricula ensure children are grounded in early math and science concepts and reading successfully by 3rd grade.Please see your child's teacher for log in information.
This is a great resource for both reading and math. Students are able to access this program from home. Whether you have them complete 1-2 sections or 15-30 minutes per night in the program, you will see steady academic progress for your child. Accounts are free and set up within the school. Please connect with your child's teacher for login information.
Raz Kids is a great online reading resource that you and your child can access in the comfort of your own home. Are you a parent on-the-go? You can easliy access the website on any mobile device and even download a free app. Accounts are free and set up within the school. Please connect with your child's teacher for login information.