Dedicated to Excellence in Education
Our Family Ambassador works collaboratively with the principal, counselor, staff and other parents to develop parent-engagement plans for the school.
Our Family Ambassador is Sylvia Skipper.
You can contact her at 614.365.8815 or
Included are important CCS Updates and Community Resources that will be helpful for you to maneuver through our Virtual World! Please click on the links below to discover exciting new opportunities in the newsletters! ~Mrs. Skipper
2024-45 Issues:
Our partners at the Columbus Metropolitan Library are offering K-12 students free after-school help with schoolwork in our School Help Centers beginning in August.
All library locations are open for limited services, allowing patrons to come in to browse the shelves to pick out books, pick up items on hold, use a computer (60-minute limit), print, copy, scan, and fax.
Our partners also remind us that children under the age of 7 must be accompanied by someone 16 or older.