• Welcome to the New School Year!

    Posted on this page is information about the 2020-21 School Year at Como Elementary!


    Please Plan to attend the CCS Virtual Family Engagement Sessions

    "Log On! Help with the Parent Portal" The Columbus City Schools Parent Portal is a valuable tool to stay engaged in your child’s education and to securely access valuable information, such as grades and course schedules, daily attendance, and missed assignments. During our virtual start to the new school year, the Parent Portal will also be an important tool for families to stay connected with their child’s teachers and school. We know accessing the Parent Portal for the first time - or remembering how to navigate through it - can be a challenge. That’s why we are dedicating the two Virtual Family Engagement Sessions before the start of classes specifically to using the Parent Portal. During this session, expert staff will share information and insights on how to access the Parent Portal. Our team will also be able to help parents/guardians who may need help resetting their login information. Our partners from the Columbus Metropolitan Library will also join our Virtual Family Engagement Session to share information on CML’s virtual homework help centers, reading buddy program, and tech support for students having trouble using their Chromebooks.

    •  Tuesday, September 1, 6:00-7:00 p.m. – "Log On! Help with the Parent Portal"

    •  Thursday, September 3, 6:00-7:00 p.m. – "Log On! Help with the Parent Portal"

      To sign-up for the "Log On! Help with the Parent Portal" sessions, visit: https://forms.gle/zQpeMrptRGkFuqxg7   

    Families must register to attend the F.A.C.E. 2 Face virtual family engagement sessions by visiting www.ccsoh.us/rsvp.


  • drive In



    Our supplies/chromebook distribution was a wonderful success! The staff handed out 78 chromebooks on September 3 and 31 on September 4th. Backpacks/supplies were provided for Como students in Pre-K through 5th grade.  Through the rain, parents drove up with car loads of children, all smiling to see their new teachers.  The staff received each car and welcomed them back to a new school year!

    If you missed this event, please contact your classroom teacher or call the school office (614)365-6013 to schedule a time to visit the school to pick up your supplies.