• Welcome to our web page! My name is Dewayne L. Davis, and I am the principal of Stewart Alternative Elementary School. We are a Columbus City School with a Traditional Philosophy. 

    What is a Traditional School?

    Stewart is an Alternative School with a Traditional Program where the overwhelming majority of our students have been accepted through the district lottery. A Traditional Program is founded on the principle that parents and staff work together as partners to provide an education that encourages students to pursue academic excellence. The role that parents play in a child’s educational development cannot be overstated. As a child’s first teacher, parents continue to provide support to the educational process by making sure student scholars are academically ready to learn and behaviorally on point. Stewart’s educational program prioritizes respect for self and others; foundational skills such as phonics and math facts; and pride in self, school, community, state, and country. Our scholars dress for success by wearing a uniform of red, white, and blue. Furthermore, we promote self-discipline, integrity, structured routines, and appropriate behavior is expected and reinforced. Our aim is to prepare productive citizens who will make our communities and country better for current and future generations. Therefore, teaching students to be responsible and accountable for their actions is important. We maintain a safe environment that features a warm atmosphere that is both firm and fair. Our curriculum, teaching, behavior, and dress expectations at Stewart require a commitment from every parent, student, and teacher. By selecting Stewart Alternative Elementary School, parents, students, and staff are responsible for and committed to supporting a Traditional Program by upholding these values and following the rules and policies of the school.