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CCS Invests in Staff with Grow Your Own Teacher Scholarship Program
Columbus City Schools (CCS) is investing in staff wanting to become teachers through the Grow Your Own (GYO) Teacher Scholarship Program.
Through this program, the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) will grant scholarships to qualifying individuals who are accepted into the program. These individuals must enroll in a teacher training program and either hold an educational aide permit or educational paraprofessional license issued under section 3319.088 or a substitute license under section 3319.226 of the Revised Code.
In exchange for receiving scholarship funds of up to $7,500 per year for four years, awardees will commit to teaching for four years in their home district within six years of graduation.
CCS is excited to announce that the scholarship application for the GYO program is now open. The scholarship application will be open to the following:
Individuals employed at a qualifying school who hold an educational aide permit, educational paraprofessional license, or substitute license
Low-income high school seniors attending a qualifying school
Interested employees and students should complete the applicant portion of the appropriate application and submit to growyourown@columbus.k12.oh.us email by March 4, 2024 for consideration. The District will review and complete the remaining portion of the application. ODHE will begin reviewing scholarship applications after the March 29, 2024 deadline.
- Click here to download the Grow Your Own Application - Employee
- Click here to download the Grow Your Own Application - Student