The listed agencies, organizations, and individuals are independent contractors not under the auspices of the Columbus City School District but are listed in the HandsOn Central Ohio Directory as tutoring resources in Franklin County.  Find a PDF version of this information here.


    Salvation Army – After School Learning Club – Academic support, tutoring, mentoring

    Northeast 614-403-1082 West 614-484-0206 Ohio 614-358-2633

    Livingston 614-448-8237

    Grades 1-8 3:30-6:00


    Central Community House Youth & Family Services Recreation and Learning activities K-8

    1150 E. Main Street 614-252-3157

               After school programs www.cchouse.org

    After School All-Stars Educational. Recreational and Social Skills

    263 Carpenter Street 614-257-1678  
    After school programs youth ages 12-15. Also at some elementary schools   www.asascolumbus.org

    Asian American Community Services 614-203-7474      4700 Reed Rd

    Glenwood Recreation Center 1888 Fairmont Ave

    Offers after school and summer tutoring and mentoring programs, grades K-12


    Boys and Girls Clubs of Columbus City Schools

    1012 Cleveland Avenue 614-294-4366

    115 S. Gift St 614-221-8830

    Serves youth ages 6-18 with after school programs


    Columbus Metropolitan Library Homework Help Center

    Provides school supplies and homework help after school at all branch libraries.

    614-645-2275 www.columbuslibrary.org

    Columbus Recreation & Parks Capital Kids – Offers academic programs with homework help from Capital University students. http://parks.columbus.gov 

    Beatty Community Center 247 N. Ohio Ave 614-645-3218

    Douglas Community Center 1250 Windsor Ave 614-645-7407

    Marion Franklin Community Center 2801 Lockbourne Rd 614-645-3160

    Sullivant Garden Community Center 755 Renick St 614-645-8171

    Directions for Youth & Families Ohio Avenue Youth Center

    657 S. Ohio Ave 614-258-8043

    Offers after school and summer camp programing for youth ages 8-17 living in the  43205, 43206, and 43207 zip codes. www.dfyf.org

    Ethiopian Tewahedo Social Services

    After School programs for children grades K-12 with homework help and other activities.

    5660 Trabue Rd, 5918 Sharon Woods Blvd., 3790 Agler Rd., 588 McNaughten Rd

    Wedgewood Middle and Eakin Elementary

    http://ethiotss.org 614-252-5362

    J. Ashburn Jr. Youth Center

    85 S. Clarendon Ave. 614-272-2223 jajyc.org

    Provides year-round programs, including a free after school and summer program

    for children in grades K-5. 3:30-6:30 pm Homework help, reading and recreation

    Ohio Hispanic Coalition Youth & Education Programs

    3556 Sullivant Ave 614-840-9934 or 614-275-1755

    Latino students grades K-5 can participate in free after school educational programs.


    Somali Community Association of Ohio www.somaliohio.org

    3422 Cleveland Ave 614-262-4068

    Offers English classes, after school and Saturday tutoring for Somali youth.

    Somali Women & Children’s Alliance

    2210 Morse Rd 614-473-9999

    Provides after school programs provides tutoring and educational activities for

    children ages 5 to 18


    Columbus Urban League 788 Mt. Vernon Ave 614-257-6300 x. 108

    Free after school tutoring in math and reading ages 5-13


    African American & African Studies Community Extension Center

    905 Mt. Vernon Ave 614-292-3922

    Math and Science program for grades 4-12


    Community for New Direction

    2323 W. 5th Ave 614-272-1464

    After school groups ages 5-14 to discuss many topics, including violence and

    drug prevention


    Project Prosperity & Faith

    1062 Wilson Rd 614-500-8804

    Offers several after school and mentoring programs for youth, including an after

    school tutoring program www.projectprosperityfaith.com

    Neighborhood House

    1000 Atcheson St 614-252-4941 x.209

    Offers after school programs – homework, tutoring


    Gladden Community House

    183 Hawkes Ave 614-227-1600

    Provides after school recreation for students ages 18 and younger living in the

    Franklinton area.


    Godman Guild 303 E. 6th Ave. 294-5476

    Offers after school and summer program for youth in grades K through 5 attending Weiland Park elementary.

    Mentoring Program for ages 12-18 614-294-5476 x 135


    Stowe Baptist Center

    888 Parsons Ave 445-8400

    Offers after school tutoring for students in grades K-12 on Monday nights.


    St. Stephens Community House Youth and Family Services

    1500 E. 17th Ave. 614-294-6347

    After school, programs, summer programs, developmental groups and tutoring for students in the Linden community.


    Clintonville Beechwold Community Resource Center

    14 W. Lakeview 614-268-3539

    After school Academic and recreational activities


    Church and Community Development for All People

    946 Parsons Avenue PO Box 06063
    Columbus, OH 43206

    (614) 445-7342 Administrative

    (614) 449-7970 Fax



    (614) 284-6408 Program Number - Erin West ewest@4allpeople.net

    Programs that promote parent, family and community involvement in helping children succeed in school. Using a variety of involvement models, these programs encourage parents to support their children's schooling by working directly with their children on learning activities in the home and serving as an advocate for better education in their community. Parents are encouraged to model desirable behavior (e.g., reading for pleasure), discuss school matters at home, arrange for appropriate study space, organize and monitor their children's time, check homework on a regular basis, tutor their children at home, help older students make postsecondary plans and select courses which support these plans, advocate for their children when required, attend school functions, discuss their children's progress with teachers, join the PTA, vote in school board elections, attend school board meetings and, where possible, volunteer to help with school activities, work in the classroom and/or take an active role in governance and decision making about school programs at the community, state or national level.

    Columbus Literacy Council 92 Jefferson Ave 614-282-7661 X. 1

    Service description: Helps parents become literacy leaders in their homes. Parents attend a session while their pre-school children will learn a corresponding lesson. Then parents and children will come together to share what they've learned. Parents are encouraged to teach their children their newly obtained skills to re-establish their role as the literacy leader in the home.


    Action for Children

    78 Jefferson Avenue
    Columbus, OH 43215

    (855) 302-4453 Child Care I&R

    (800) 750-0750 TTY/TDD


    Parenting Skills Classes for Fathers

    (614) 224-0222 ext. 137 Program Number - Jeff Kramer jkramer@actionforchildren.org

    Service description: Offers a 13 hour curriculum to help fathers develop skills and attitudes that will empower them to be positive parents and role models. Format is facilitator led instruction and group discussion. Focus of curriculum is on positive parenting skills, co-parenting strategies, and effective communication techniques. Program offers direct case management in partnership with community agencies to help fathers navigate and overcome barriers, including child support challenges, visitation and custody issues, workforce entry and driver's license reinstatement.

    Eligibility: Fathers.

    Hours: Typically 6:30 pm-8 pm. Day of week varies throughout year.

    Intake process: Telephone. Website.

    Documents: No documents required.

    Fees: None.

    Additional languages: Spanish.


    Buckeye Ranch

    2865 West Broad Street
    Columbus, OH 43204


    (614) 875-2371

    Service description: Evidence-based program that helps parents and children learn new patterns of behavior to increase positive interactions, improve communication, and strengthen family relationships. Parents learn about appropriate expectations, developing family rules, praising children, ways to deal with problem behaviors and more. Youth participate in concurrent groups with activities and discussion tailored for their age and developmental level. Families also spend time each week eating dinner and engaging in a fun family activity together.

    Eligibility: Children 5-12 and their parents.

    Hours: As arranged.

    Intake process: Telephone.

    Documents: Vary.

    Fees: None.

    Columbus Urban League

    788 Mount Vernon Avenue
    Columbus, OH 43203

    (614) 257-6300 ext. 125 Program Number

    (614) 257-6314 Fax



    Male Initiative Father 2 Father

    (614) 372-2310 ext. 145 Program Number - Alicia Wilkes

    Service description: Offers a 10- week curriculum focused on life-changing strategies that specifically engage men to be more responsible and
    nurturing fathers. This is done by offering interactive circles of support designed to build parenting skills, with education on why and how they can make an indelible positive impact on their children. This initiative also assists fathers by providing direct assistance with child support challenges, the establishment of custody and/or visitation and driver’s license reinstatement.

    Eligibility: Open to all fathers.

    Hours: Class hours: Tue 10 am-12:30 pm. Thu 6 pm-8:30 pm.

    Intake process: Orientation every second and fourth Fri of the month. 2 pm-3 pm.

    Documents: None.

    Fees: None.

    Additional languages: None.

    Services: Parenting Skills Classes for Fathers

    Additional languages served: Spanish.

    Directions for Youth and Families

    1515 Indianola Avenue
    Columbus, OH 43201

    (614) 294-3247 Fax


    School Readiness Program SPARK

    (614) 294-2661 Intake Manager - Jennifer VanSchoyck jvanschoyck@dfyf.org

    Service description: Provides educational intervention to help parents become partners in their child’s education. Spark assists with creating a home environment where children age 4 can develop skills needed to be successful in kindergarten the following year.

    Eligibility: Participants must be TANF eligible and live in the Columbus public school district. Children age 4 preparing to enter Kindergarten.

    Hours: Mon-Thu 8 am-7 pm. Friday 8 am-5 pm.

    Intake process: Telephone. Appointment required.

    Documents: No documents required.

    Fees: Call for information.


    (614) 294-2661 Central Intake

    (614) 294-3247 Fax

    (614) 294-2661 Program Number

    Service description: Addresses self-esteem, child development, communication, engaging cooperation, discipline, and stress management. Offers 12 hours of curriculum with formal class instruction to parents. In addition, a specific curriculum is offered for teen parents.

    Eligibility: Any parent of a child under the age of 18 years old.

    Hours: Mon-Thu 8 am-7 pm. Friday 8 am-5 pm.

    Intake process: Telephone. Appointment required.

    Documents: No documents required.

    Fees: Sliding fee scale.

    Notes: Referrals come from schools, parents, juvenile court, other social services agencies, churches, businesses, and concerned community residents.

    National Youth Advocate Program

    527 South High Street
    Columbus, OH 43215

    (614) 227-9445 Fax



    (614) 227-9444 Administrative

    (877) 692-7226 Intake

    Service description: Offers skill building, comprehensive classes to families to help them learn new ways to work together and live together as a family. Helps parents learn nurturing parental behaviors in place of others that are hurtful to children. Classes are held once a week for 15 weeks. Addition out-of-class time is spent with each participant including one hour in the home each week.

    Eligibility: Anyone.

    Hours: Class times will vary. Call for specific dates and times.

    Intake process: Referral required. Referral may come from courts, children services or other similar agencies.

    Documents: No documents required.

    Fees: Vary.

    Additional languages: None.

    Directions for Youth and Families

    1515 Indianola Avenue 3616 East Main Street
    Columbus 43201 Columbus 43213



    (614) 294-2661 Program Number

    Service description: Provides in-home individual and family counseling to youth who are at risk for school failure.

    Eligibility: Youth ages 12-18 years old who are at risk for school failure and their families.

    Hours: Mon-Thu 8 am-7 pm. Friday 8 am-5 pm.

    Intake process: Telephone. Appointment required.

    Documents: No documents required.

    Fees: Sliding fee scale.

    Notes: Referrals come from schools, parents, juvenile court, other social services agencies, churches, businesses, and concerned community residents.

    Services: Dropout Programs, Family Counseling

    Community Refugee and Immigration Services

    1925 E. Dublin Granville Rd Suite 102

    Columbus 43229 614-235-5747

    Support middle and high school students with mentors

    RedTreehouse.org Ohio's online resource promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, intellectual and social development of children and young adults, prenatal-25.

    KHANAcademy org free online tutoring in all subjects

    Columbus City Schools –

    Talk to the principal or counselor of your child’s school. Some schools have after school tutoring through special grants or a partnerships with a community agency.

    HandsOn Central Ohio


    Clearing House for all services in Franklin County

    Birth Certificates for people born in Franklin County

    Columbus Public Health 240 Parsons Ave



    FACTLine 614-221-FACT (3228)

    Communications Department

    Columbus City Schools
