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  • Academic Brief
    Committed to Excellence, Liberty offers a strong curriculum which includes reading, math, language arts, social studies, science, health, art, music, physical education, and instrumental music. Our mission is to building positive relationships within the community, focusing on 21st century learning and 100% student success. we strive to provide our students with the fundamentals necessary to become lifelong learners and achievers. Enrichment activities for Liberty students include field trips throughout the community.

    Academic Support
    Ohio Improvement Plan (OIP)- The Liberty staff is actively involved in implementing our improvement plan, which guides our instructional decisions to improve academic achievement for all students. Student achievement is closely monitored. Intervention programs utilized to meet the needs of all learners include Read 180, Leveled Literacy Intervention, small group instruction and tutoring services.


  • Grades K-2 uses the comprehensive Literacy Collaborative program in collaboration with the Ohio State University. Literacy Collaborative is aligned to the Common Core State Standards and meets the requirements as a Response to Intervention (RtI). Students engage in Reading & Writing Workshops, as well as Language & Word Study each day. Teachers utilize a variety of teaching methods to meet the needs of all learners, including whole group, small group and guided reading approaches.

    Grades 3-5 uses a Balanced Literacy approach to create genuine love for reading. Students engage in phonics, grammar lessons, reading & comprehension strategies, and writing workshops. Teachers utilize a variety of teaching methods to meet the needs of all learners, including whole group, small group, shared reading, and independent reading. In addition, Grades 4-5 uses Read 180, a comprehensive system of curriculum, instruction, assessment and professional development proven to raise reading achievement.


  • Grade K-5 utilizes My Math, a program where each student interacts with the text in multiple ways throughout the learning cycle. Personalized vocabulary, student created examples, online games, and downloadable apps move students from learning abstract concepts to concepts they can apply.

Last Modified on November 23, 2020