• How To Videos!

    Description: Clever

    Access to Everything for Everyone!

    Everyone plays a role in supporting student learning,  With Clever, your entire school community gets single sign-on into any resource.  There are new ways for tech coaches to support digital learning, and a new family portal to enable at-home learning too.

    A Digital Classroom to Love! 

    Simplify instruction by having everything in one place.  It's easy for teachers to personalize their digital classrooms, discover edtech programs, and stay connected to students and their families. 

    Be Ready.  Be Remote, or Both! 

    Flexible enough to fit any education resiliency plan.  Clever's simple platform and easy logins work the same everywhere.  Distrcits can count on Clever for digital learning, no matter the circumstance. 


    Description: How to Access Student CCS E-mail 

    Please follow the link below to watch a video on how to access CCS Student E-mail! 
