Please communicate with your child’s teacher how your child will get home.
Walkers/ Spattz Dismissal
- Students who walk home from school will be dismissed at 3:15 p.m.
- For safety, if an older sibling or parent picks up a child who walks, parents are asked to identify a meeting place OFF of school property to meet the student.
- If it is necessary to meet at school, please plan to identify a place on the playground (away from the doors).
- Please socially distance from other people.
- Please communicate with your child’s teacher WHERE on the playground you will get your child.
Bus Students
- Students who ride the bus will be called to the buses and loaded from back to front.
- Please ensure your child knows their bus number, as well as their seat number.
- Parents will need to keep this card in the front right side of their dashboard.
- Parents will need to remain in their cars.
- Children will be called according to the parent’s arrival.
- Once loaded, parents will be asked to continue moving through the parking lot in order to get everyone loaded as quickly and efficiently as possible.
ALL PreK students will arrive and dismiss from the PreK Door.