The school counselors help students and families navigate the high school years. By working on academic interventions, social/emotional skills, and college and career planning we help students find their definition of success. Through one-on-one counseling, group sessions, classroom lessons, and large group meetings, we help students with the tools they need throughout high school.



     As we go through life, sometimes we find ourselves needing some extra help as we cope with challenges. Here are a few tips to help you regulate your emotions.

    • take deep breaths- breathe in slowly through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth
    • get outside when possible...but maintain social distance
    • limit your media intake--this includes social media and broadcast media
    • set and maintain a schedule
    • stay in touch with those that mean a lot to you

    If you develop feelings of self harm or suicide you can call the National Suicide Hotline at (800) 273-8255. If you are in need of medical intervention during a mental health crisis you can contact Nationwide Children's Hospital Crisis Line at (614) 722-1800. If you are over 17 you can contact Netcare at (614) 276-2273. More mental health resources are available at the bottom of this webpage. 



    We have created Google Classrooms for each cohort in order to deliver the necessary resources and documents for each grade level. You can join the classroom by going to classroom.google.com and clicking on the plus sign at the top right of the screen.

    • Class of 2022: ac7mcjo
    • Class of 2023: pvqq346
    • Class of 2024: qigzmuo
    • Class of 2025: zy7xri4



    Part of the graduation requirements from the Ohio Department of Education includes earning at least two diploma seals. Below is a description for each of the possible seals.

    MILITARY ENLISTMENT SEAL:Provide evidence that a student has enlisted in a branch of the US Armed Forces; or participate in an approved JROTC program.

    TECHNOLOGY SEAL: A student can: 1. Earn a score that is at least equivalent to proficient on an appropriate Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exam; 2. Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B-” or higher in an appropriate class taken through the College Credit Plus program; or 3. Complete a course offered through the district or school that meets guidelines developed by the Department. (A district or school is not required to offer a course that meets those guidelines.)

    INDUSTRY-RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL SEAL: Earn a 12-point approved industry-recognized credential or group of credentials totaling 12 points in a single career field. 

    CITIZENSHIP SEAL: A student can: 1. Earn a score of proficient (3) or higher on both the American history and American government end-ofcourse exams; 2. Earn a score that is at least equivalent to proficient on appropriate Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exams; or 3. Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B” or higher in appropriate classes taken through the College Credit Plus program. Earn a "B-" or higher in both American History and Government courses.

    OHIO MEANS JOBS-READINESS SEAL: Meet the requirements and criteria established for the readiness seal, including demonstration of work-readiness and professional competencies. 

    STATE SEAL OF BILITERACY: Meet the requirements and criteria, including proficiency requirements on assessments in a world language and English.

    COLLEGE-READY SEAL: Earn remediation-free scores on the ACT or SAT. Visit the Ohio Department of Education's website to see current remediation-free scores. 

    SCIENCE SEAL: A student can: 1. Earn a score of proficient (3) or higher on the biology end-of-course exam; 2. Earn a score that is at least equivalent to proficient on appropriate Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exams; or 3. Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B” or higher in an appropriate class taken through the College Credit Plus program. Earn a "B-" or high in an advanced science course

    HONORS DIPLOMA SEAL: Earn one of six Honors Diplomas outlined below: 1. Academic Honors Diploma; 2. International Baccalaureate Honors Diploma; 3. Career-Tech Honors Diploma; 4. STEM Honors Diploma; 5. Arts Honors Diploma; 6. Social Science and Civic Engagement Honors Diploma.

    COMMUNITY SERVICE SEAL: Contribute a minimum of 45 hours to the school or community. 30 hours may also be used toward Internship Credit.

    STUDENT ENGAGEMENT SEAL: Students are involved in a minimum of three extra-curricular activities during their high school years

    FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS SEAL: Students must demonstrate skills in the visual or performing arts through participation in or creation of specific artistic projects.

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