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Columbus City Schools Demonstrates Commitment to Continuous Improvement in Ohio's Star-Rated School Report Cards for 2022-2023
September 14, 2023 - The 2022-2023 Ohio State Report Cards have been released, marking the first year schools and districts receive an overall star rating for five components, replacing the previous grading system. This change is part of Ohio's ongoing efforts to closely monitor progress and provide essential support for schools and districts committed to enhancing student outcomes.
Columbus City Schools received two stars on this first overall rating. This indicates that the system needs support in order to meet State standards.
The District remains focused on improving outcomes for its students. Overall, students’ performance on State testing improved.
In Reading, there were gains in achievement in five of the seven tested areas including English II.
In Mathematics, students showed improvements in grades three through eight and Algebra I.
Student attendance rates have also seen significant improvement, marked by a nearly 20 percent decrease in chronic absenteeism over the past two years.
In addition to these achievements, Columbus City Schools remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing CCS to establish a robust educational system that supports the needs of every student. This commitment is reflected in the Goals and Guardrails set by the Columbus Board of Education, particularly emphasizing literacy, matriculation rates, and a comprehensive student outcomes governance model. These key priorities align seamlessly with the District's guiding principle, the 'North Star,' and its 'Portrait of a Graduate.' Together, these priorities embody the community's shared vision for the educational aspirations of both current and future CCS students.
"While we are proud of the improvements that our students, teachers and schools have made in the past year, we acknowledge there's more work ahead to align with our Portrait of a Graduate vision, driving our unwavering commitment to improving student achievement," said Columbus City Schools Superintendent/CEO Dr. Angela Chapman. "We're dedicated to closing gaps, addressing disparities, and accelerating learning. Our focus is on establishing inclusive structures, with the ongoing support of educators, parents, and community partners."
The State Report Card also reflects the increased focus on Career Technical Education (CTE)/ Workforce Development. The Career Technical Planning District (CTPD) Report Card reflects many CTE programs throughout the District and surrounding region. The District received an overall rating of three and a half stars and five stars in four categories:
Graduation component
Four-year graduation rate
Five-year graduation rate
Post-program placement
The CTPD offers multiple career-technical pathways to help students explore their passions and interests. Programs give students real-world experience and skills needed to succeed in higher education programs at colleges and universities. Over the next two years, CCS will expand career pathways in collaboration with local business leaders to create new career exploration pilot programs for students earlier and add programs focused on Advanced Manufacturing and Construction.
According to the Ohio Department of Education, “The Report Cards are not the only measure of the success or accomplishments of a school or district.” Columbus City Schools encourages its parents and the community to actively engage with its schools to have a more complete understanding of students’ experiences and educational opportunities.
Families can access their individual school report card through the Ohio Department of Education’s Report Card Portal link, or during their child’s upcoming school Open House events.
Parents and community members are also invited to attend the next Columbus Board of Education business meeting on Tuesday, September 19, at Centennial High School, beginning at 6:00 p.m., to gain deeper insights into the report card and the District's progress. Before the business meeting, the Board will hold Office Hours from 5:15 to 5:45 p.m., allowing district stakeholders to engage directly with Board members and discuss topics of interest.