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Academic Calendars Proposed for 2023-24 and 2024-25 School Years
February 8, 2023 -- The Columbus Board of Education listened to a proposal for academic calendars for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years at its regular business meeting on Tuesday, February 7.
Use these links to view each of the proposed calendars:
- Draft 2023-24 Traditional School Year Calendar
- Draft 2023-24 Year-Round School Year Calendar (Woodcrest Elementary)
- Draft 2024-25 Traditional School Year Calendar
- Draft 2024-25 Year-Round School Year Calendar (Woodcrest Elementary)
Per Ohio law, there must be a 30-day period for public comment before the calendars can be officially approved by the Board of Education. Columbus City Schools community members can submit any comments or feedback via our Academic Calendars Survey or by email to engage@columbus.k12.oh.us.
Approval of the calendar proposals will be placed on the agenda for an upcoming Board of Education business meeting.
The District’s academic calendars are created in collaboration with the Columbus Education Association (CEA) and in consultation with principals, district administrators, and parent representation.