• The Ohio Avenue Attendance Reporting Line is 380-997-6990.  If your child is not attending school, please call the attendance line to report your child's absence. 

    In accordance with Board Policy 5200.01, the following
    excuses shall be accepted for student absences:

    - Personal illness or quarantine;
    - Illness or death in the immediate household;
    - Emergencies or any other occurrences or situations
     which, in the judgment of the Superintendent or
     designee, may necessitate absence from school for good
     and sufficient cause;
    - Religious holiday;
    - Medical or dental appointment;
    - College visitation; or
    - Any other reason specified pursuant to Ohio law.

    If your child is absent for any reason other than above, it will not be excused. 

    Our attendance secretary can be reached at 380-997-6990. Leave a message including the student's name, Student ID number, date of absence, reason for the absence and teacher's name. Attendance will be updated on the parent portal by 1:00 pm daily. 

    Attendance Reporting Phone: 380-997-6990

    Attendance Reporting Email: attendance.ohioavenue@columbus.k12.oh.us