• All CCS Students to Receive Student Success Cards this School Year!

      Student Success Card SampleWith a focus on supporting safety and academics, Columbus City Schools will issue Student Success Cards to all students PreK-12, starting this school year. 

      Student Success Cards are IDs featuring a photo, name, ID number, and school logo. During the school year, cards will be used to:

      • Swipe on and off the bus in the morning and afternoon (Coming second semester)
      • Serve as ID during the school day
      • Access online learning through Clever 
      • Check out books and other materials at any Columbus Metropolitan Library branch 
      • Support safety by allowing administrators and safety and security personnel to quickly and easily identify students

      Students will receive their cards and lanyards on or after the first day of school and must wear their cards visibly on the bus and during the school day. 

      CCS piloted Student Success Cards over the last several school years. Student Success Cards will help increase efficiency, improve communication with parents, and most importantly, enhance student safety.