Dedicated to Excellence in Education
Indianola K-8 School Tours
We welcome prospective families to visit Indianola ahead of the School Choice Elementary Lottery deadline on March 31. We offer scheduled group tours throughout the winter and request that you RSVP for your preferred date at the newsletter here:
Digital Safety Resources for Families
Please refer to the materials below if you are looking for ways to monitor, filter and stay informed about your student's use of the internet and social media.
These resources are from the Center for Family Safety and Healing at Nationwide Children's hospital, including the slides from the presentation given to Indianola Families in the winter. Click on the links below!
Healthy Digital Boundaries for Families
Guide to Digital Resilience: 6-10 yrs old
Guide to Popular 'Discord' Site
Parental Control Guide for 'Roblox'
Please open the link below for Indianola's updated Parent Involvement Policy:
Parent Involvement Policy - UPDATED <<Click to open
November 1 marks the beginning of National Family Literacy Month, a time dedicated to fostering a love for reading and learning within families.
Welcome back to season 2 of the award winning student run podcast at Columbus City Schools! Returning hosts, Leia Gersing and Sarah Dearth, discuss their favorite back to school movies.
For our Staff Wellness Initiative's first Wellness Wednesdays video for this school year, hear from Mifflin High School alumna, Tei Street.
An update regarding transportation from Columbus City Schools.
Columbus City Schools continues its efforts to address chronic absenteeism by opening a new "Stay in the Game!" room at Northtowne Elementary School, in partnership with the Columbus Crew.
This summer, Columbus City Schools identified students that we have been transporting to charter and nonpublic schools over the years beyond the requirements of the law.
Phone: (614) 365-5579
School Hours: 8:50 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Indianola Informal K-8 School
251 E Weber Rd.
Columbus, OH 43202