• Now Streaming: Read-a-Thon!

    Click the button below to make a donation to Clinton's 2023 Read-a-Thon. VERY IMPORTANT: Please include the student's name & grade in the note field. Thank you for your generous support of our school! 



  • PTA Information

    As a member of the Ohio PTA, the Clinton Parent Teacher Association's mission is to be 

    A powerful voice for all children 

    A relevant resource for families and communities and

    A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.

    We also support our school by organizing families and community members in fundraising activities that provide extracurricular 

    activities for our students. 

    We hold open meetings on the second Tuesday of each

    month (September - May) at 7:00 pm in the school cafeteria.

    Free childcare is provided. Join us!

    We can be reached by email at clintonespta@gmail.com.


    The PTA officers for the 2022-2023 school year are:

    Dan Flaherty, President

    Seth Marsh, VP of Finance

    Xavier De Freitas, VP of Committees

    Emily Fuller, Secretary

    Marisa LaPalomento, Treasurer


    PTA committees are always looking for volunteers. See the opportunities here.  

ohio pta logo

  • kroger

    Kroger Community Rewards

     Our PTA makes about $600 per quarter through this great program!

    It's free for you to sign up and use. Families must re-register each April to stay in the system, so check today and make sure Clinton PTA is listed as your chosen organization.

    If you have never enrolled, this is a great time! Search for Clinton PTA or org #81059. Thank you! 

    Kroger Community Rewards