• The Columbus Alternative High School Family welcomes back Deborah Showalter as our Family Ambassador for the 2023-2024 School Year!

  • Hello CAHS Families,

    My name is Deborah Showalter and I am honored to return for my second year as Family Ambassador for this 2023-2024 school year.  I have a junior student here and younger children in other schools in our district.  My role is to be a bridge between the school and the home.  I will do my best to help communicate important information and point parents/caregivers to those who can best answer questions. 

    High school is an important time of growing independence for our students.  Even as they step out and take on new challenges, we as parents have a crucial role to support them and be their advocates.  My goal is to help families feel connected to what is happening at school so that the student/school/family teamwork can lead to great success!  

    I want each student here at CAHS to thrive.  I also want to create more connections between our families so we can support one another.  I am very open to new ideas for community-building.  Please feel free to contact me at my email address listed below.  I look forward to a wonderful school year together!


    Deborah Showalter
