- South High School
- Middle School
- Ms. C. Miller
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Ms. C. Miller
8th Grade Intervention Specialist ELA and Social Studies
Bachelor of Science in Education
Master of Curriculum and Instruction
Years of Teaching: 22
Years Teaching at South: 8
Email: cmiller4234@columbus.k12.oh.us
Zoom room
Friday Office Hours 10am-12pm Passcode: 89HARS
Office hours: 10am until 12pm and by appointment
Google classroom:
1st and 2nd period ELA and Core Enrichment bg6iz3d
3rd period Social Studies wv34azn
6th Period ELA gt2xpro
8th Period ELA 42cmo45
Welcome back to the 2020-21 school year. I hope all of you have had a safe summer.
Please review your schedule and if you have me for the following periods 1,2,3,6 and 8 please see the Google classroom codes and Zoom information.
We will be having class daily Monday through Thursday and on Friday I will have virtual office hours from 10am until 12pm and by appointment.
If you have any problems feel free to contact me by email at cmiller4234@columbus.k12.oh.us or by cell phone at 614-975-5322. I am looking forward to seeing and hearing from all of you.