Dedicated to Excellence in Education
Mrs. Costello
High School Intervention Specialist
Bachelor of Science in Education from The Ohio State University
Years of Teaching: 35
Years Teaching at South: 6
Hobbies: Fitness, Fellowship, Sports
Zoom room 5Bh0Re
Office hours: 9:30- 11:30 Fridays and by appointment
Google classroom:
Gunder /Costello Period 1: qtrjlgd
Costello Math ll Period 2: bxkazr
Costello Algebra 2 (Math lll) Period 2: yoce4u3
Costello Physical Science Period 4: 453wz43
Costello Biology Period 4: lqtxkvx
Costello Physical Science Period 8: 5uc4b5d
Costello Financial Literacy Period 8: afmj2wb