• East High School is designated as a Health Science Academy with the partnership of the OSU Colleges and OSU Wexner Medical Centers.  All East Side Schools: East HS, Champion MS, Eastgate ES, Trevitt ES, Ohio ES, and East Columbus ES, are designated Health Science Academies. 

    What does that mean?  

    • East has a monthly focus on diseases that may impact our students' lives.  For example, September is Sickle Cell Awareness month.   
    • Every student participates in a school wide, health science related, book read each year.  In each of their classes (in all subjects), students create a project that culminates in a cross-curricular fair that includes all other schools in our feeder pattern.  We have studied the books The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot, Black Man in a White Coat by Damon Tweedy, Bad Blood by James H Jones, and Chew On This by Charles Wilson and Eric Schlosser.  Our current book is Concussion by Jeanne Marie Laskas.
    • Science Cafe is attended up to 3 times a year by a selected group of students who visit a community partner for a hands-on experience where they are engaged in learning about a career in the health sciences by a professional from that field.  In past science cafe sessions, students have learned from veterinarians, dentists, laboratory researchers, obstetricians, nurses, physical therapists, pathologists and more.
    • Each year, two selected groups of East HS students earn CPR/ first aid certification at the nearby Ohio State East Hospital.
    • East High School students participate in the Health Science Career Connections club every week to learn from professionals in Health Science related fields, engage in mentoring opportunities from Ohio State medical students,  complete community service projects, and learn professional skills such as how to write a resume and perform during an interview.
    • East High School students participate in multiple video conferencing opportunities throughout the year in our state of the art videoconferencing facility.  During previous videoconferences students have engaged with doctors during live heart and knee surgeries, problem solved during interactive autopsy and pharmacy programs, and learned about organ donation during kidney transplant surgery.
    • East students have opportunities to work in partnership with medical students from The Ohio State University during Anatomy classes as well as after school.
    • East students volunteer at local events such as the National Children's Day celebration, the CCS High School Choice Fair, the National Science Teacher Association annual conference, and the coronor's Opiate Summit.
    • East students have attended career fairs at The Ohio State University
    • In the summer, East HS has sent several students to MD Camp, and Veterinarian camp at The Ohio State University
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