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  • Summer Assignments for:


    Ms. Taylor 2023 AP Literature class

    AP English Language and Composition with Ms Crombie. (click on this link for file download)    


    AP Government and Politics in the 2023-2024 school year with Ms. La Place
    I do not have a summer assignment, but encourage all students to keep up with current events going on in the government. This includes on a federal, state, and local level.  
    You should also have a paperback copy (pocket size) of the US Constitution by the first week of school.  It is available on Amazon for $1.99.  
    I will be available if you have any questions, weekdays June 20th - July 28th.  I will return your emails in a timely manner regarding the course.  I will send out the syllabus prior to the start of the school year and I look forward to working with all of you next year.  
    AP Website: AP US Government and Politics


    APUSH (23-24) Google Classroom with Mr. Goosby
    All of the information for the summer assignment(s) can be found here: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjExNzIzNTQ0OTEx?cjc=z2tet4e. Just in case the link doesn't work the Google Classrom join code: z2tet4e 
    The join code for APUSH remind texts is:  699927g


    Summer Assignments for 2023 English Honors 10 with Ms. Barry are in Google Classroom.

    The classroom code is     ehgshaj

  • Science

    Summer 2023 AP Environmental Science: There will be a few small assignments:

    Class Join link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NDk0ODk1ODczNjYy?cjc=gkexh72

    Class code: gkexh72

    You will need to spend 30m outside (preferably in a park) and write a reflection about it. (Approx 1hr to complete)

    You will complete an online survey on your ecological footprint (about 30-1h to complete)

    You will track your water use on a form for three days (for a lab because it's awkward to do it at school).

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