• OSU Tutoring starts the week of 9/20/2022

    Every Tuesday and Wednesday from 5 pm-6 pm and 6 pm-7 pm. The tutoring will start on the 20th of September until the 16th of November, but there will be NO tutoring on the 11th and 12th of October due to fall break for OSU. For the spring semester, they will start on the 17th of January and tutor until the 12th of April, but not tutor on the 14th and 15th of March due to spring break.


    Zoom Link: https://osu.zoom.us/j/6481282246pwd=ODJCU0lubm5NZXlqR1Fuc0VJZW9DUT09

    Zoom Meeting ID: 648 128 2246

    The meeting should not require a password. If it does, the password is 828319.

    Google Classroom Link & Code:
    Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NDk4MzQ3MDA0NDgz?cjc=yesogmk

    Code: yesogmk