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A Round of Applause for the Winners of the First Draft: Emerging Writers Competition
April 27, 2024 – In honor of National Tell A Story Day, the Department of Communications and the Division of Literacy launched their first short story contest. Fourth and fifth grade students around the District submitted vivid stories with captivating characters and exhilarating plots.
As part of the criteria, each submission must contain 1,000 words or less and incorporate a plot, setting, character, and theme. Students were encouraged to explore new ideas and let their imaginations wander to far-off lands.
The Communications and Literacy teams were overwhelmed by the number of extraordinary entries submitted! Each story was creative and inspiring in its own way, showing the truly imaginative minds of our young scholars. After weeks of judging each short story against a rubric designed by the Literacy team, the results are in, and we are pleased to announce the winners of the First Draft: Emerging Writers Competition.
Before the much-awaited anticipation, we wanted to first take a moment to thank all of the students who entered the contest and their teachers! An e-book highlighting all story submissions has been created. Click here to read all the submissions, including the winning submissions, for the First Draft: Emerging Writer's Competition.
Congratulations to our top writers!
4th Grade Grand Champion
Margaret Schroeder from Clinton earned a PLATINUM achievement with a PERFECT score, receiving a 12 from all three adjudicators!
Read “The Takeover of the Birds” here.
5th Grade Grand Champion
Joshua Momoh from Parkmoor earned a PLATINUM achievement with a PERFECT score, receiving a 12 from all three adjudicators.
Read “The Forgotten Library” here.
4th Grade Honorable Mention
Steven J. Mason Herrera from Scottwood came in second place out of all 4th grade entries, earning a GOLD achievement and an average score of 11.6!
Read the “Beast Slayers” story here.
5th Grade Honorable Mention
Asha Mohamed from Starling came in second place out of all 5th grade entries, earning a GOLD achievement and an average score of 11.6!
Read the “Did You Notice” story here.