- Gables Elementary School
- About Gables
GABLES MISSION STATEMENT: At Gables, we are committed to creating a community of learners that promotes respectful, responsible, safe, kind and highly motivated students to become productive citizens in the ever-changing world. Through the collaboration of staff with students, families and community, we hold ourselves accountable to maintain a safe, supportive and welcoming environment so our students can achieve a higher level of academic excellence and express their unique talents and diversity through a challenging and rigorous curriculum.
READING PROGRAM: This year at Gables, the students in grades K-5 will receive reading instruction through HMH Into Reading Program. Students will be provided a 90-minute instructional reading block and a 30-minute writing lesson, daily.
DIVERSITY: At Gables we value diversity. Our school community serves students from around the world. Students at Gables represent over 29 countries and speak more than 25 different languages. We offer K-5 ESL services, special education services for students who need SLD Tutoring, a primary and intermediate for students who struggle with emotional disturbance challenges, a primary high-incidence resource room and two gifted and talented reading and math classes for grades 3-5.
CURRICULUM: Our curriculum is closely aligned with the Ohio Learning Standards. Gables students also have opportunities to use computers/Chromebooks in their classrooms and in the Media Center. Through the Internet, students access local, national, and international information for classroom research projects and complete classroom assessments online.
ACTIVITIES: Gables students are offered an opportunity to participate in a variety of activities including Chess Club, Safety Patrol, Right-to-Read Week, district-wide and national academic competitions such as Math Works, Battle of the Books, Invention Convention, the Annual Spelling Bee, Robotics Club, Debate Club, and TedX.
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT: Family involvement is welcomed and invited at Gables at all times. Our school benefits from the active participation of many, many parents/guardians and family members. Volunteers donate in excess of 4,000 hours of time to our school annually. Yearly opportunities for family involvement include Family Curriculum Nights, visits from authors/illustrators, Invention Convention, International Day, field day, and Art Show. Parents also provide academic support through tutoring and assisting in classrooms. Gables’ active Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) meets on a monthly basis and assists students and staff in many activities and events throughout the school year.
LATCHKEY: Through the Latchkey Program, Gables offers before and after-school child care for its students. The Latchkey Program is a PAID service. Parents must apply with the Latchkey Office and receive approval before they can attend. Contact the Latchkey Office if you have questions.
DRESS CODE: Gables has no uniform requirements. Gables students are expected to adhere to the dress code guidelines set by Columbus City Schools in the Guide to Student Success.
Middle School (Grades 6-8): Gables students will transition to Ridgeview Middle School after 5th grade.
High School (Grades 9-12): Ridgeview MS students will transition to Centennial High School after 8th grade.