Welcome to Gables!


    We are excited for the 2024-2025 school year!

    Our principal, Jill Lausch (jlausch@columbus.k12.oh.us) is always open to talk and welcomes family input.  

    In 2024-2025, Gables Elementary will continue to build strong relationships with parents, students, and community partners. 

    Gables will provide a consistent curriculum to increase all students' achievement by focusing on data to drive instruction.  We will continue academic experiences for our students that are rigorous, relevant, and help them build relationships while making real-world connections.  

    It is important that everyone who is part of the Gables (teachers, students, and parents) are excited about being here!  This attitude enables us to meet the challenges of academic excellence in a positive, fun, and nurturing environment.  

    We look forward to working with families as a team to help each student at Gables Elementary meet our students’ goals and have a successful school year!