• A message from the Principal:

    October 6, 2024

    Good Evening Woodward Park Family. This is Paul Bailey, the proud Principal of Woodward Park calling with this week's announcements and highlights. We had a great week of learning last week and our teachers are diving into the curriculum to provide students with engaging instruction in every class. We continue to encourage all students to be at school each and every day and in their homeroom by 7:30.

    We are continuing to focus on our Core Value this month of being prepared. Prepared for class, prepared to turn in classwork and prepared to do your very best.

    Starting on Wednesday this week some of our 6th grade students and students who are our 8th grade team, team LYNX will be having some schedule changes. Currently we are over our enrollment cap in 6th grade and under in 8th grade. Therefore, we have to move one of our 8th grade teachers to 6th grade so that our 6th grade classes are not over 30 students per class. While we know change is hard and this is not the ideal, neither is classrooms over 30 students.

    There are just 11 school days left in the 1st quarter. The grading period ends on Tuesday, October 22nd. Mastery Academy at the Big Park this Thursday, October 10th from 2:30-4:30 and will begin on Tuesday, October 15th at the Little Park (6th grade). We hope our students will take advantage of our after school tutoring program so that they can demonstrate mastery of grade level standards.

    Finally, parents, thank you as always for your support of our efforts to educate, elevate and motivate every child, every day. Thank you for supporting your child’s teachers by reinforcing academic and behavioral expectations of your student while they are here at school. Thank you for partnering with us so that together we can help our students realize their full potential. Thank you and have a great evening.

     Mr. Bailey

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