• Title I Parent Involvement Plan 2024-2025

    Dominion Middle School

    100 E. Arcadia Ave.

    Columbus, Ohio 43202


    Dorothy K. Flanagan, Principal

    Steven Browne, Jr., Asst. Principal

    Dr. Keith Harris, Region IV Area Superintendent


    I. Introduction and Purpose

    The purpose of the Title I Parent Involvement Plan is to outline how our school will encourage and facilitate the active participation of parents in their child’s education. This plan is designed to provide parents with opportunities to support their child's academic growth, foster communication between parents and school staff, and ensure that all students meet high academic standards.

    II. Policy Involvement

    1. Development of the Plan:

      • The Title I Parent Involvement Plan was developed in consultation with parents and guardians of Title I students. The plan will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and relevant.

      • Parents will have the opportunity to provide input and feedback through surveys, meetings, and other communication channels.

    2. Annual Meeting:

      • An annual Title I meeting will be held at the beginning of the school year to explain the Title I program, its objectives, and the rights of parents. This meeting will inform parents of how they can become involved in their child’s education and help improve the academic outcomes for all students.

    3. Regular Updates and Communication:

      • Parents will receive timely updates about their child's academic progress, school events, and other important information through newsletters, emails, phone calls, and the school’s website.

      • Reports about the school’s academic performance and Title I funding allocation will be shared with parents.

    III. Shared Responsibility for High Student Achievement

    1. Parent-School Compact:

      • The Parent-School Compact outlines the shared responsibilities of parents, students, and the school staff to improve student academic achievement. This document will be signed by parents, students, and teachers to ensure a collective commitment to the student's success.

    2. Parent-Teacher Conferences:

      • Regular parent-teacher conferences will be scheduled four times per year to discuss students’ academic progress and set goals for improvement.

      • Additional conferences can be scheduled upon parent or teacher request.

    3. Support at Home:

      • Parents will be encouraged to help their children with homework, provide a quiet study area, and maintain a consistent routine.

      • Parents will also be provided with resources and strategies for reinforcing skills learned at school at home.

    4. Educational Workshops and Training:

      • The school will offer workshops for parents to help them understand the curriculum, assessment data, and how to support their child’s learning at home.

      • Training sessions will be provided on topics such as literacy, numeracy, and how to navigate the school system.

    IV. Building Capacity for Involvement

    1. Parent Volunteer Opportunities:

      • Parents will be encouraged to volunteer at school for events, activities, and classroom support. These opportunities will be communicated through newsletters, emails, and the school website.

      • Volunteers will receive necessary training and support to ensure their active participation is effective and impactful.

    2. Parent Advisory Committees:

      • Parents will have the opportunity to join the Parent Advisory Committee to assist with decision-making processes related to Title I programs and overall school improvement.

      • The committee will meet regularly and provide input on the implementation of the Parent Involvement Plan.

    V. Accessibility

    1. Language and Accessibility:

      • The school will ensure that all information related to Title I programs and the Parent Involvement Plan is available in a language and format that is accessible to all parents, including those with limited English proficiency and disabilities.

      • Translation services and materials in multiple languages will be available for non-English speaking parents.

    2. Flexible Meeting Times:

      • To accommodate working parents, Title I meetings, workshops, and conferences will be held at different times of the day and evening. Childcare may be provided during events when possible.

    VI. Coordination and Integration with Other Programs

    1. Collaboration with Other Community Services:

      • The school will collaborate with community organizations, local businesses, and other educational programs to provide additional resources and support for families.

      • Partnerships will be developed to assist families in need of social services, academic tutoring, and other support systems.

    VII. Evaluation of the Plan

    1. Annual Evaluation:

      • The effectiveness of the Title I Parent Involvement Plan will be evaluated annually through surveys, parent feedback, and input from school staff.

      • Adjustments and improvements will be made based on the results of the evaluation to ensure continued engagement and support for parents and students.



    VIII. Conclusion

    We believe that an active and engaged partnership between parents, students, and the school staff is essential for fostering a positive learning environment. The Title I Parent Involvement Plan will provide opportunities for parents to support their child’s educational journey and ensure that all students achieve academic success.



    Dorothy K. Flanagan Date




    Parent Representative Date

    Dates to Be Reviewed:

    Wednesday, January 15, 2025

    Wednesday, May 21, 2025