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Dominion Middle School’s Mission Statement
Each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community.
Columbus CITY Schools Anti-Harassment Policy
In accordance with federal and state laws and district policy, the Columbus City School District will not tolerate harassment against any staff member or student on the basis of sex, race, national origin, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation. Harassment shall be defined as slurs, jokes, intimidation, or any verbal or physical attack directed at an individual’s sex, race, national origin, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation.
Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
- Copies of the Guide to Positive Student Behavior will be sent home with each child and posted in the school office.
- Students are entitled to due process of law as administrators enforce the expulsion, suspension, and removal policy of the Columbus City Schools.
- The school has a right to regulate dress and grooming, but only in the interest of health, safety, and effective instruction. Improper dress will be judged on an individual basis.
- Students, parents, or guardians have the right to review a student’s school records with a member of the professional staff. A request to review records should normally be honored within three days.
- It is the responsibility of the student to know what the school rules are and to act in accordance with them.
"The Blue Devil Way"
Guiding principles: Any principles or precepts that guide an organization throughout its life in all circumstances, irrespective of changes in its goals, strategies, type of work, or the top management.
In preparing our students for the 21st Century world of work, we would be remiss if we failed to teach students “grit” and soft skills required for success in today’s business world. Educators and business leaders agree that American education must produce students who have the ability to advocate, relate, problem solve, think at high levels, research, use technology and effectively communicate in both written and oral mediums. The staff at Dominion Middle School believe in providing students with rich educational experiences combining a focus on service and the arts using the following guiding principles. In short, this is what we’re about. . .
- Be Organized. Organized minds are clear minds, and clear minds take action towards personal goals, so get as organized and as clear as possible in your life and school affairs. Start with your desk and work area. Have a personal work area at home where you can read and do homework. Schedule a written plan of your activities and stick with it the entire day. USE YOUR STUDENT PLANNER TO DO THIS!
- Be Dedicated. Every day, do at least one thing you've been putting off. Successful people know that the pain of discipline is the price of their success. Start making it the price of yours.
- Be Confident. Feel as good as possible and achieve a sense of well-being by “unplugging” and being contemplative for 15 minutes every day. Also, find a way to exercise at least 15 minutes every day. Both will boost positive feelings about yourself, which translates into a self confidence that will serve you well.
- Be Appreciative. Tell your family and friends how much you appreciate them. Find more things people in your world that you’re doing right, rather than focusing on what you’re doing wrong.
- Be Optimistic. Leave past failures in the past and focus positively on your future. If you are a glass-half-empty person, start seeing the glass as being half-full. Life is more enjoyable that way.
- Get Educated. Read something that improves your mind every day. Keep yourself away from unproductive people, activity and news. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH SUCCESS AND SUCCESS WILL SURROUND YOU!!
- Be Sociable. Be charming and agreeable. Never speak badly of anyone. Make it positive, and you'll never have to worry about negative consequences.
- Be Alert. Open yourself to new ideas, experiences and people who can teach you something new and positive. This is one of the best ways to be aware and focused on new opportunities. Remember that some of the greatest inventions have come from people recognizing the value of interesting and unique innovations.
- Be Dependable. Meet all of your business, social and moral obligations “on-time”, honestly and honorably.
- Be Human. Remember to experience the journey as well as the results. It's absolutely necessary to keep your attention focused on your goals, but don't miss out on all the great experiences going on around you right now. After all, when you get to your destination, you'll realize that some of the greatest lessons learned and values gained were found in the trip there.
Committed to Academic Excellence
Aware of Global Issues
Giving Service to the School and Greater Community
Committed to Kindness and Compassion
Dominion PRIDE
In response to data gathered from parents, students and staff, we will improve school climate in Columbus City Schools in order to increase student achievement. The framework for doing this is called the Positive Behavior Support initiative or PBSI, as it is otherwise known. Each staff in Columbus City Schools has created positive supports and incentives within their school to support positive behavior. This requires staffs to set specific and easily understood expectations for school wide student behavior.
P Prepared
R Responsible
I Integrity
D Determined
E Educated
High expectations for all students, both academic and social, make Dominion Middle School a special place. Let’s work together and have a great year! Dominion students who meet the daily school expectations are provided with weekly, quarterly and yearly incentives for their positive choices.