•  Senior Cabinet ~~ Class of 2022 

    Candidates, the position of senior class officer is one of the highest honors at Beechcroft High School. Therefore, officers are held to high standards of behavior and are expected to conduct themselves as positive role models to the entire student body, especially in regards to attendance and behavior in and out of the classroom. Keep in mind that administration reserves the right to remove an officer from his/her position if they are no longer able to fulfill the duties and/or responsibilities of office.



    · Provides leadership

    · Initiates class activities and programs

    · Communicates regularly with Class Advisors and administrators

    · Oversees the reunion chair with reunion plans

    · Develops strategies for strengthening the class

    · Regularly meets with all class officers

    · Is responsible for ensuring that all officers are fulfilling the duties of their office

    · Is responsible for coordinating communication between class officers and may use letters, phone calls, e-mail, or regularly scheduled officer updates for this purposes

    · May have a speaking part at graduation


    Vice President

    · Has the primary responsibility of assisting the president in planning and implementing class programs and activities

    · Assumes all responsibilities of the president’s office in the absence of a class president

    · May be required to run class meetings, write class letters, and facilitate communication among the class leadership

    · May have a speaking part at graduation


    Senior Class Cabinet Leader/Social Manager

    · Shall serve to create an inclusive social atmosphere and ensure that class activities are staffed with class officers and cabinet members.

    · Communicates regularly with cabinet members to ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities.

    · Reports directly to the senior class advisors.

    · Coordinates with school principal, senior class advisors about activities for Spirit Rallies. Fundraisers and other in school senior activities.

    · Works in collaboration with class officers, senior class advisors and class treasurer to implement plans for fundraisers, dances and social activities.

    · Works in collaboration with cabinet members to collect pictures and decorate bulletin boards and advertisements for senior class web page reflecting senior class activities.

    · Must attend all senior class officer meetings and works closely with all class officers to ensure success of all activities.



    · Facilitates communication among class officers

    · Maintains a formal structure for class organizations

    · Provides leadership for updating the Senior Bulletin Board (located in the cafeteria) in conjunction with senior class advisors and administration

    · Ensures that flyers/advertisements for senior class activities and fundraisers are posted and removed in a timely manner

    · Takes minutes of class meetings and distributes these minutes to all class officers, class advisors and administrators

    · May serve as historians for their class (although some classes have an officer position for this

    · May write all class sympathy, congratulatory, and thank you notes

    · May have a speaking part at graduation



    · Is the most called-upon officer involved in strategic planning and finances for every program the class undertakes

    · Works with class officers to establish an annual budget

    · Monitors class funds and expenditures

    · Keeps class officers and members informed about class finances

    · Looks at the financial affordability and feasibility of proposed class programs and initiatives

    · Assists advisors/administrators in collecting monies from ticket sales, activities, and fundraisers

    · May have a speaking part at graduation


    Class Representatives:

    • Attend all meetings and disseminate information about meetings and activities to other members of your class.
    • Gather ideas and information from your classmates regarding school events, dances, themes, etc. and share them with class advisors and Senior Cabinet. 
  • Download a copy of the class officer petition below.

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