• 6/18/2023 Joel Moren is the Keynote Speaker this year. You can see him around 20 minute mark. So proud of our Cadets past and Present. 

  • 6/5/2023 No rest for the Bulldog Battalion. This week is the JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC). Day 0 consists of the swim test and getting organized into companies and platoons. Our Cades are intermixed with Army JROTC Cadets from all over Ohio...and one from Indiana. 

  • 6/3/2023 Summer break is no break for the Bulldog Battalion. Color guard this morning for the 91st US Conference of Mayors. Mayors from all over the United States came to Columbus for a conference and we were honored to present the Colors at the opening session. 

6/2/2023 Congratulations to Miranda Parsley and Kateri Coontz-Wardia. It was great seeing you become great leaders and people.
  • 5/17/2023  Supporting DSCC fitness festival.  Cadets Paige Pereria, Ariel Buckingham, Shelley Reynolds and Trinity Sullens, supported The Defense Supply Center’s Opening Ceremony for Fitness Fest. Is the world ready for a new breed of superheroes? Meet the Fabulous 4! America’s Army JRTOC Color Guard! 

  • 5/11/2023 NASP Tournament.  We made it to Louisville, Kentucky. 

  • 5/5/2023 Today we had the absolute honor of supporting the Ohio Military Hall of Fame for Valor induction ceremony. Ohioans from as far back as the Civil War were recognized for their heroism in battle. Inductees' awards ranged from the Navy Achievement Medal with Valor all the way up to our nation's highest military decoration, The Medal of Honor.  Cadets are pictured with The Adjutant General for the State of Ohio MG John C. Harris, Jr.  Cadets had the opportunity to meet BG(R) Rhonda L.S. Cornum who, as a Major during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, had her aircraft shot down during a rescue mission and was subsequently taken as a prisoner of war. 

  • 4/17/2023 Competing and having fun today at the Maysville HS archery tournament . 

  • 3/23/2023 Applied application… the decision-making process and winning colors. So the Cadets had to pass a marble through the tubes without dropping it. 

  • 3/12/2023  Your SHS Bulldog Battalion is bringing home some hardware! 21 teams competed in the academic event. Your Bulldogs finished in 3rd against national competition level teams. Congrats to Cadets Miranda Parsley, Kateri Coontz-Wardia, Madison Gillespie, Lane Jennings, and Wyatt Young.  We made it to Fort Knox. Some photos from our visit to the General Patton Museum. LTC Allmon gives cadets a History Brief. Bringing history to life. Countless artifacts include GEN Patton’s ivory handled revolvers, his staff car, and track vehicles from that era. 

  • 2/25/2023 Set up and ready to go for our first Archery Tournament at South High

2/22/2023 United Negro College Fund Luncheon at the Greater Columbus Convention Center; honor guard members from South
  • 1/13/2023 The South High Bulldog Battalion held their first promotion board of the year today!! 

  • 11/12/22 Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston speaks to students at South High School

    MSG Zumock and I are so incredibly proud of our Cadets. They eagerly accepted the challenge to help orchestrate this high level visit and did a phenomenal job. They showcased South is a great place to learn with great students.

  • 10/29/22 Hosted our first ever Drill Meet. Thanks to the teams that came today. Showing off some of our own hardware. 

  • 10/14/22 LET 1 cadets getting a lesson in communication. Hard and Fun. 

  • 10/10/22 Our Cadets did a great job representing South High as they led the Italian Day Festival Parade. 

  • 9/29/22 Ready for the National Anthem. 

  • 6/9/2023 It was a great week for South HS JROTC. Many awards won and earned. So proud of the Cadets. Again we have some of the very best! Bulldog BN Rocks . 

  • 6/9/2023 Happy Birthday to Cadet Scott. She experienced the Camp Manotoc Birthday tradition of kiss the moose. 

  • 6/3/2023 Summer break is no break for the Bulldog Battalion. Color guard this morning for the 91st US Conference of Mayors. Mayors from all over the United States came to Columbus for a conference and we were honored to present the Colors at the opening session. 

  • 5/22/2023 Values all South HS Students can live by! 

  • 5/11/2023 Cadet Madison Gillespie scores a perfect 50 at JROTC Nationals. First competition 50 in program history. 

  • 5/11/2023 NASP Tournament.  Inside the Arena. This is where we will shoot tonight. 

  • 5/8/2023 While it was just practice, Cadet Trinity Sullen shoots the first 50 in program history! 

  • 4/21/2023 Thank you, Mr Secretary Frank LaRose for being our Guest of Honor and speaking with our Cadets and families. 2023 Military Ball went great. Thank you Cadets for all the great memories. Staff, doing the After Action Review for the Military Ball. 

  • 3/25/2023 Today we helped provide the Colors for the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). Cadets did a great job. Thank you Cadets Coontz-Wardia, Scott, Gillespie and Buckingham. 

  • 3/23/2023 Practical application… the decision making process and winning colors. So the Cadets had to pass a marble through the tubes without dropping it. 

black gold
3/2/2023 South Army JROTC was in full support of Black and Gold Day yesterday! Our scholars are proving they choose to Stay in the Game!
  • 2/25/2023 Presenting the Colors at The Legends Boxing Event. This was held at the Barack Community Center.  Cadets, Parsley, Coontz-Wardia, Buckingham and Scott.

  • 2/3/2023 Cadet Sullen (8th grader) leads PT

  • 12/4/2022 MSG Zumock and I could not be any prouder of our Cadets. We went into the Kenton Drill Meet knowing we were facing national championship level talent. While we didn’t get the results we had hoped for, we have seen significant improvement over the past three drill meets. Four years ago we would never have dreamed of fielding a team for each competitive category. We did this year.

    Congratulations to: LET 1 Color Guard - 1st Place; LET 1 Unarmed Squad - 2nd Place; CDT Lane Jennings - 7th Place Individual Unarmed Knockout; CDT Ariel Buckingham - 8th Place Individual Unarmed Knockout
  • 11/10/22  Veterans Day Celebrations. Thanks to Huntington Bank for asking South to do their Flag Raising Ceremony at the National Veterans Memorial today. 

  • 10/28/22 Color guard getting ready before tonight’s play-off game. Go Bulldogs!

    Performing for tonight’s playoff game. Go Bulldogs!

  • 9/22/22 Learning change step March.