• Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    • What exactly is Army JROTC?
      • JROTC is a nationally accredited college preparatory high school class which covers a variety of citizenship topics and is conducted in a military style classroom environment.
    • If I take Army JROTC am I required to join the military?
      • NO!  Army JROTC is a high school elective class.  Taking the class does not, in anyway shape or form, obligate a student to join the military.
    • Do I have to wear a uniform?
      • YES!  Wearing the Army uniform is part of the JROTC curriculum.  Cadets wear the uniform one day a week and are graded on their appearance.
    • Do I have to pay for uniforms and how much do they cost?
      • Regular uniforms are provided by the Army.  Students are issued uniforms to wear throughout the academic year and then return at the end of the school year.  The physical training shirt is covered by the course fee.
    • Do I have to cut my hair?
      • Students are expected to wear the uniform in accordance with Army Regulations and therefore having hair within military standards is highly encouraged.
    • Do I have to exercise as part of JROTC?
      • YES!  Physical fitness is part of the JROTC curriculum.  Students will participate in organized physical fitness once a week.  Accomodations can be made for students with certain physical restrictions. 
    • Is there a course fee associated with Army JROTC?
      • YES.  An annual fee of $20 is required for the class.  This covers the cost of the physical training shirt, field trips, and other JROTC activities.
    • Can JROTC help me if I decide to join the military?
      • YES!  While the Army JROTC Cadre are not recruiters they can help students explore career opportunities in the military and get them in contact with the local recruiters from all branches.