School Information

  • Columbus City Schools has 109 schools to meet the needs of your family. Our school directory will help you find the school in your neighborhood. Schools can be sorted by grade levels served or the type of program offered.

    For additional questions, information, or to find the assigned school for a specific address, please call the FACTLine at 614-221-3228 or email at

District School Hours

K-12 Academic Pathways

  • A Kindergarten - 12 Academic Pathway, also known as a school feeder pattern, keeps neighborhood children together as they move upward from elementary school, to middle school, and finally to high school.

    When considering a school, it’s important to evaluate what your child’s needs are socially, emotionally, and educationally. Many parents report that choosing a neighborhood school has provided them more time with their children, at home and at school. Regardless of your choice, your child will receive a quality education at a Columbus City School that is well organized, assesses the child’s progress, and teaches to high standards of education.

    ** Please note that when students reach the highest grade level at their current school, they will transition to the feeder school assigned to their home address for the following year. Exceptions are made if the student requires specialized services available only at certain schools.

    The document below is a map of the neighborhood feeder patterns that your student will follow on their path from Kindergarten to graduation!

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.