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Columbus Board of Education
Board President Michael Cole
Board Vice President Jennifer Adair
Board Member Sarah Ingles
Board Member Dr. Tina D. Pierce
Board Member Ramona R. Reyes
Board Member Brandon Simmons
Board President Christina Vera
Board of Education Meeting Information
The Columbus Board of Education meets twice monthly on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held at the District’s south administrative building, 3700 S. High Street, Room 825 at 6:00 p.m. Please note: meeting dates and times are subject to change.
Individuals who wish to provide public comment during the meeting will have the option of addressing the Board in person or by telephone. To sign up, public participants must call to leave a voicemail with Customer Relations at 614-365-8888 or email customerrelations@columbus.k12.oh.us by 3:30 p.m. on the day of the scheduled meeting date. Speakers will need to provide their name, topic, and phone number. During public comment, speakers will have 3:00 minutes to address the Board. Speakers who require special accommodations (ASL, Language Translators) should also inform the Customer Relations representative when signing up to speak.
Meeting attendees will need to enter the north-facing door toward the west end of the building. The meeting will be streamed via Facebook Live and on the Columbus City Schools' YouTube Channel.
Board Goals and Guardrails
Need to contact us?
For questions or concerns regarding a school related issue, contact the Superintendent's Office of Customer Relations at 614.365.8888 or by email at: customerrelations@columbus.k12.oh.usShould you have additional question or you are not sure who to call, please contact our FACTline at 614.221.FACT (614.221.3228) or email us at: factline@columbus.k12.oh.us.