Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds

  • Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) is a federal program that provided funding to states and school districts during the COVID-19 pandemic. This emergency funding is designed to help address educational issues arising from the pandemic by providing schools with resources to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 crisis. These funds provided crucial support to students most impacted by the pandemic. 

    The ESSER funding program is available until September 2024.


    esser Nov 19 2024 spendingesser may 31 2024 spendingESSER Spending as of Dec 31ESSER Spending as of Sept 30ESSER Spending

  • What has the Personnel money paid for?

  • What has the Purchased Services money paid for?

  • What has the Supplies money paid for?

  • What has the Capital Outlay money paid for?

ESSER numbers

CCS Established Four Priorities for ESSER Funds

  • Priority 1: Learning Recovery and Supports for Schools

  • Priority 2: Infrastructure Improvements and Operations

  • Priority 3: Technology

  • Priority 4: Development and Professional Learning