Strategic Plan FAQs

  • Why does the district need a strategic plan?

  • How is this plan different from the one that we heard about a few years ago?

  • Who did CCS engage to come up with the Portrait and the strategic plan?

  • How will this plan impact the work I do every day?

  • I am already very busy with my job. How will the district find the time to help us understand how our jobs are changing and give us the training we need?

  • Were teachers invited to weigh in or participate in the strategic planning process?

  • How do I learn more and what can I do to help?

Portrait of a Graduate FAQs

  • What is a Portrait of a Graduate? Why develop a Portrait of a Graduate?

  • What does a Portrait of a Graduate look like when complete?

  • How does our Portrait of a Graduate connect to other programs and initiatives?

  • What is the Columbus Portrait Design Team? Why a community effort?

  • Who is this for? Is this just for high school students?

  • How did the district develop its Portrait of a Graduate?

  • How does the Portrait of a Graduate incorporate into the District’s curriculum?