FAQs about the CCS Weather and School Cancellation Process

  • How can I make sure I am informed of school closings/cancellations?

  • Who makes the decision to close schools?

  • What factors are considered when making the decision to close schools?

  • When is the decision made to close for the day?

  • How are staff and parents notified of a closing?

  • Will CCS close in the morning if conditions worsen?

  • Do schools close automatically when forecasters predict bad weather?

  • Will buses run on-time during inclement weather?

  • Will schools automatically close when the temperature is below zero?

  • At what wind chill factor will the District be closed?

  • When school is closed for the day, are after-school activities cancelled as well?

  • When school is closed for the day, are all CCS Latchkey locations closed as well?

  • What happens if you have to relate students early?

  • What happens with after-school care when schools close early?

  • What should I do to prepare for a possible school closing?

  • Does CCS have a plan for a delayed start?

  • What if I believe it is unsafe for my high school student to drive to school?

  • What if I believe it's unsafe for my child to come to school because of weather conditions in my neighborhood?

  • What happens when public services or utilities are disrupted?

  • A note to parents, students, and staff

  • What are the best CCS information sources?