• Justice-Involved Youth Services

    Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) emphasizes the educational stability of justice-involved youth.

    The justice-involved youth programming support students using a two prong approach; internal and external teams.  The teams forge a mentorship between our justice-involved student and adult stakeholders.   

    External transition support team - community stakeholders, who are currently serving the student and their caregiver(s). The team objectives are:

      • Address the student and caregiver(s) social needs outside of school 
      • Solicit needed social providers and ensure services are delivered in a timely manner
      • Communicate regularly with the internal support team
      • Recommend job readiness and shadowing opportunities
      • Offer school orientation support

    Internal transition support team is the student's home school support. The team objectives are:

      • Create a student transition plan
      • Set academic and social goals for the student 
      • Regularly assess and evaluate the transition plan impact
      • Communicate regularly with the external support team
      • Recommend student participation in extracurricular programs