Attendance: Stay in the Game
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- Stay In The Game Overview
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- Excused and Unexcused
- Late Arrival and Early Checkouts
- New Actions & Resources for Increasing Student Attendance & Engagement
- Notification to Parents
- Documentation When Absent
- Parent Resources to Promote Attendance
- EveryDay Labs
- Director of Attendance
- HB410 FAQ
Stay in the Game Attendance Partnership

Did You Know?
- Regular school attendance in elementary school improves the chances that your child will read on grade level.
- Columbus City Schools students missing more than 8 days are 56% less likely to meet 3GRG requirements.
- Absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with school work, dealing with peer conflicts or facing some other potentially serious difficulty, and help is available.
- Columbus City Schools students missing more than 8 days are 53% less likely to graduate on-time.
Checking Your Child's Attendance
- Parents/Guardians can log into Infinite Campus to view their child's attendance. For additional support with accessing and using Infinite Campus visit the Infinite Campus Handbook for Parents or view this video.
Parent's Responsibility When a Child is Absent
- Parents should contact the school before or after the absence(s)
- Notes can be handwritten or emailed
- Notification from parents should be occur within 48 hours but no later than 5 days after absence
How is Attendance Determined for Students?
- Elementary School: Attendance is taken once a day by 9:30 AM.
- Middle and High School: Attendance is taken each period. For the last period of the day, attendance should be taken and submitted within 15 minutes of the end of the period.
Attendance Calls and Emails
- Parents and Guardians will be notified regularly when students are absent. Infinite Campus (IC) will send automatic phone call will be made when your child is absent. When students miss the 5% or 10% of school, parents will receive additional text messages and letters about student attendance.