FMP Final Executive Summary

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Facilities Master Plan Community Committee

  • FMP Segment 4 recommendation on March 24, 2022

    Read the latest update HERE.

    Columbus City Schools continues to seek community feedback as part of its Facilities Master Plan (FMP) process, which has been underway since last spring. 

    The process has taken a regional approach to discussing the future of Columbus City Schools' buildings and facilities -- what they need to look like to meet the District's mission and vision of academic success with students leading the way.

    "The purpose is to bring more voices, more ideas, and more innovation to our conversation. It's important for equity to be a big part of the conversation," said Columbus Board of Education President Jennifer Adair. "We are keeping equity at the center of the conversation to make sure every neighborhood, every region, and every school building gets what they need to meet the full vision of academic success."

    During the final “Transform” phase, participants were asked to consider future facility usage concepts derived from the results of the previous phase of the FMP process. These concepts -- which include three for each of the grade levels: high, middle, and elementary -- show what the district could look like with renovated facilities and realigned programming that meets the needs of all students city-wide.

    While in-person community meetings have concluded, stakeholders can still provide virtual feedback for the FMP Committee to consider as it weighs recommendations for the Board of Education.

    The key themes that have surfaced from the community meetings so far include: 

    • Bigger schools = bigger opportunities
    • District-wide equity
    • Leverage existing real estate resources for new school facilities
    • Community and corporate partnerships
    • Equity in the school curriculum

    The District’s Academic Services team will provide the Facilities Master Plan Committee with design principles to guide the program development of District learning campuses. They include innovative facilities that are modern learning environments with flexible spaces and new technology -- learning environments that support all students, and new and undiscovered career fields that meet post-secondary and employer needs. 

    Now is the time to help shape the future of facilities in Columbus City Schools. CCS students deserve innovative learning environments with flexible spaces and new technology that supports all learners. 
    Click here to review the community-driven concepts and provide your feedback.

    Projected FMP Timeline

    FMP Timeline

FMP Segment 4 - March 24, 2022

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